“pay to build us a new stadium or we’re moving to LA.”
“pay to build us a new stadium or we’re moving to LA.”
If you contracted the Chargers, their good players could go to other teams with better medical staffs.
I never understood the logic: Take a city that hasn’t cared about NFL football for about 20 years. Put a team there, wait a year, then put another team there. Why? Maybe if the Chargers were there alone their fans would follow and make some new ones, but once the Rams were there, the Chargers were not getting any…
Ok, but it has to be soon. It’s getting dark and my mom told me I have to come straight home when the streetlights come on. Where are we fighting? Are we going to the local park, or should we meet by the bleachers near the middle school?
Please do not put a blue lives matter stripe on your car.
You mean Plasti-Dip?
That’s a fine ride, friend! I recommend root-beer brown.
Does that car contain shortbread cookies?
I have a flannel lumberjack jacket (lumberjacket?) with the same pattern. I like the absurdity of this.
Sadly, he inherited mom’s biceps.
referee Shawn Hochuli
A half hour after the Astros won the game to even the series at a game apiece, Sanchez was still upset about his final strikeout.
My dudes, you have killed Splinter, you laid off a bunch of cool journalists, I have even stuck with you through your auto-play video ads that kill my YouTube video playing in the background, but if you don’t stop these ads that auto-forward my ipad to some “install flash player now!” website with no back button so I…
I don’t play Fortnite but God-gamn their end of season events cool. I wish other games did stuff like this.
I haven’t played Fortnite in over a year (and really only played STW when I did), but even as a bystander I really do enjoy the amount of production value and very impressive technical effects they employ in these events.
But imagine being the person who doesn’t follow Fortnite news and logged in to play today.
They went dark on all their platforms (twitter, youtube even fortnite’s official website). I know they are totally doing it to generate mystery and hype but damn it’s totally working.