
It was a private account, and she’d only granted access to people she considered trustworthy friends. This would be like someone sharing information from a group chat among friends and family, and then you coming along and saying “wELl tHeN yOu sHoUlDn’T hAvE cONveRsAtiOnS wITh pEoPlE yOu tRuSt!!”

Eh, posting things to a locked, private social media account restricted to trusted friends and family is not meaningfully different from sending an email to a private mailing list, or just talking to a group of close associates around a dinner table. It’s fine to expect those people to keep what they hear private, and

He was also named and described in a witness deposition against Epstein in 2016. Not sure how this one has floated under the radar *cough*.

“With all the women it’s the same: He denies it, he turns it around, he attacks, and he threatens — and then everybody forgets it until the next woman comes along,”

Sadly it’s not just MAGA people who treat victims like that. 

[watches and rewatches the clips from many angles, and at various speeds]

[converses with video replay review center officials]

So you’re just assuming the Pats are going to win the East again? Seems a bit presumptuous given the murderer’s row of opponents they ...*checks schedule*

I agree with you (and Scocca) and I think it’s important to continue hammering the point that the NBA absolutely can and should pull out of China. But I also think it’s instructive to understand why it likely won’t: Because Silver, for all that he poses himself as the benign neoliberal CEO of the league, is actually

Completely apart from the moral principles of the situation, I really think Silver needs to double down and tell the Chinese to go fuck themselves. The NBA is obviously the best professional basketball league in the world, and by an enormous margin. Silver has real leverage because he has a monopoly on the product

We affirm our commitment to being noncommital.

100% laser-focused on trying to be ambiguous

We have seen how basketball can be an important form of people-to-people exchange that deepens ties between the United States and China.

Maybe he should have disguised it as a United States Treasury bond.

DANGER MOUSE!!!! love it.  Made an account just to tell you that.

Since it wasn’t the Vikings you thought it was okay to have hope.

To be fair, if you’re playing the White Sox, Royals, and Tigers 19 times a year, you should win 101 games easily.

How Is The Twins Playoff Losing Streak Even Possible?

I’m 45 and a lifelong Minnesotan. How did I let myself think this would be any different?

I don’t really have anything against geometry except that I wasn’t very good at it. I still think critical thinking skills are probably more valuable. I can see where proofs fit in there though.

YEAH, I say cut out high school geometry for: