
An over-reliance on the regurgitation of cliches is how you know he’s a real athlete.

Ain’t no Cousins apologizing for butt stuff down here.

Khalil Mack was also an unannounced guest when he came in to sack Cousins on air because there was no one who bothered to stop him.

Lincoln LS

I’ll watch Ryan Reynolds do just about anything.

Well Ryan is Canadian and as a Canadian we final invade St Pierre & Miquelon off the coast of Newfoundland?

10 bucks its in the final cut.

A One-two; a one-two

Uh I like Ryan Reynolds way more than I should as a heterosexual male.  Add cool overseas locations, cars, explosions, etc. and I’m 100% in.

How about adding tomato paste and vinegar? Ketchup has a ton of sugar that is not needed.

I didn’t have audio so I pretty much just looped that song in my head through the whole video.  It is most likely better than the dialogue.

Why is Ryan Reynolds at war with France

I watched for the soul reason of hearing that song, and alas I was disappointed

Eh. As long as he’s not holding Rick and Morty up as a genius paean to the misunderstood value of nihilism that only true intellectuals can fully appreciate, I’m down. I kinda dig the show myself, but I’ve never felt the need to storm a McDonald’s for Szechuan sauce, nor do I think I’m particularly erudite for

I am at work so I had to watch the trailer without sound but my one hope for this movie (let’s not call it a film) is that they use the Sneaker Pimps song for as the main theme.

A white woman walked into a Black man’s apartment while he was sitting on the couch eating ice cream watching TV in his underwear and shot him, and I am relieved that she was actually found guilty.

I’m really reconsidering the unpleasant thoughts I sent the Judge yesterday when she included in the jury instructions basically the Stand Your Ground Law.

One deserves to be the victim of fraud if they spend $75 on tickets to a Dolphins game. You knew what you were doing.

OK but why didn’t the bank alert them of fraud when he was charged $75 for tickets to a “professional” football game?

Gotta say, that bank is on point with the potential frauds. Hearing “Fan requires $724 worth of beer to get through Dolphins game” sounds uncannily plausible.