
My brother-in-law loved Ken Griffey Jr. as a kid and ended up being a Mariners fan despite living entirely on the opposite side of the country.

I’ll always appreciate him because he was the first pitcher to win the Cy Young despite not winning many games thus pissing off all the old baseball people. 

If Sendejo had come in to wrap up and tackle instead of turning himself into a human missile, this wouldn’t have happened.

If I can make another quick molehield, buddy...

Moved to Wisconsin a few years ago. Start with the Packers ownership.


If he played for the USMNT, I guarantee he probably wasn’t very good at sports....

Your complaint is falling on Karen’s deaf ears.

I love the idea of, “Let’s combat anti-Nazi imagery with Trump imagery. That’ll show them who the real Nazis are!”

Someone should tell him to stick to sports.

I think Belichick would find it personally insulting to be told that a player is such a distraction that he can’t handle the guy in his locker room. 

I remember when the greatest controversy surrounding soccer is when Dylan’s whore-ass mom brought whole oranges instead of slices.

“Listen, Bill, I understand his talent but if anyone here is doing sex crimes, they’ll be paying to get their dick jacked in the back room of a shady massage parlor in Florida, like a respectable adult. You understand me?”

So far it hasn’t affect the Patriots’ on-field performance; the team’s 3-0 and looks formidable without Brown anyway.”

Is there a single person out there that is surprised that Belichick wanted to keep Brown? Even one?

Came here for this. +1. 

Fuck this shit.

It’s sad how numb we’ve become to these school shootings

If I was his son, don’t think I wouldn’t hand-make a “Happy Fodder’s Day” card next June. 

Shot Wad Facializes Black And White.