
Just watched the embedded video... There's a guy front and center who is drumming on toilet seat/cover which is draped around his neck... If this isn't what college is supposed to be about, what purpose is it serving?

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?!

“The real issue here is the smoke alarm.”

Leakers are in violation of the law. Someone bringing up concerns regarding classified information to the Inspector General through proper channels is following the proper procedures that were put in place to provide congressional oversight to the intelligence community.

How can I attain that euphoric high of moral superiority via your method, though?

This story is bigger in Central Iowa today than the impeachment story. I’m not even fucking kidding.

No, no, no, for fucks sake. Racist tweets were held up by a sign with beer money, man.

So let me get this straight: a man who held up a sign asking for beer money has old tweets that are racist, and he’s sorry for them? 

Are we playing Mad Libs?

The Basketball Hall of Fame rewards role players more than any comparable institution (see: Rodman, Dennis). Add to that being the most solid player on both ends of the floor on the most dominant team of his generation, and yeah, I think he gets in. I’m not going to argue the point too strenuously though.


You have a very St. Louis sense of humor.

qb who’s basically the same as the one they ran out of town

Too many coaches trying to play 4d chess the whole game when a straightforward checkers approach will do just fine.

Can’t stand the heat, get out of the heat

Isn’t backsplash more the purview of Freddie Bathrooms?

I knew that comment would have a swift and severe backsplash.

An inexperienced coach needs a reliable brain trust around him.

Freddy Kitchens sinks even lower.