
They kind of get around this on the TV show by saying there is a chip in their spine that regulates emotions and all that crap. Once it is removed they become horny normal people or something.

I’m amused at people being so upset that it’s out of character for him. In the games/books, sure, but new show new continuity.

Real question here. Am I the weird one here?


I kind of agree but the problem is that the solution can’t assume these guys are acting in bad faith. In this instance CLEARLY they are, at least most of them. If a substantial number of people were seeking legitimate refunds even after finishing the game you’d expect more bad reviews.

It’s not necessarily about seeing a difference, it’s also how it feels. If you play a game at 30fps then the movement you just performed happened 1/30th of a second ago, with 60fps it happened 1/60th of a second ago. So even if you can’t see a difference (or even if your display can’t support that refresh rate) what

I think it’s less of a visual thing and more of a haptic one- sure, 60 frames look smoother than 30 (Almost like the soap opera effect, but with games that’s not a stylistic issue), but the real difference is how smooth it feels when controlling, especially with mouse and keyboard, it’s simply more reactive to what

Close the curtains where you are playing. I remember my first time trying to play on a bright saturday mid-day in 1996 and there was so much glare pouring in from everywhere that it was impossible to see.

Love Doom. That first person, arcade-like action is sorely missing from modern FPS games (other than Serious Sam).