

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho is certainly compensated for his name. And rightfully so.

I never thought much about high FPS until i played left 4 dead on a 144 mhz screen.

B4B? More like DOA. No offline, no buy

According to Konami’s Anniversary Castlefania Collection page: “The first Konami Castlevania Collection is designed to be a completed collection around the origins of the historic franchise.” If this is just a “first” collection about “origins” then I think Vampire Killer is pretty much a lock (which hopefully

They are definitely trying to find ways to ditch legacy subscriptions. As I noted in a different post, I got an email from Movie Pass today saying I was part of a “randomly selected” pool of users who would be trying a new “feature.” Now I need to photograph and upload my movie stub for every new movie. If I fail to

I got an email from Movie Pass today saying I was part of a “randomly selected’ pool of users who would be trying a new “feature.” Apparently I need to photograph and upload my movie stub for every new movie. If I fail to upload more than once I lose my account. I have the old unlimited plan. Been seeing probably 4-5

Me and my bro used to use Doomsday with the 3D effects enabled, we had a blast. Played for hours and hours.

Yep, you can boost the lighting, which is very helpful. I think at default the darkness is excessive, but I can see what they were going for.

I always used to map the forward/back/strafe left/strafe right to the c-buttons, and use the analog stick for turning. Basically “Turok controls.”