
As a Detriot resident, I have to say that I would fight anyone else in the comments section to the death just to have what the disabled people got.

Thought Elder Scrolls was pretty stupid before Skyrim came out. I agree with your points on The Witcher. Witcher 2 is clunky and obtuse and Witcher 1 is practically unplayable.

It really pisses me off when I see entitled fans telling creators how to do their jobs.

But what’s the harm of letting people treat their aliments however they chose right? Magic rocks and spiritual vibrations are just as valid as chemo as you can tell.

The guy who played Ares died while filming Warriors of Virtue 2. Wouldn’t be the same without that suave bastard

Will there be a nexus release?

I wish I could show this comic to everyone who calls Kevin Smith a fatass or a buffoon.

I do most of my comic reading by checking out trade paperbacks from the library.

Love a time when people in the south based their livelihood on owning other human beings as property.

Rings and Score are two different things you casuals!

publish Kevin Smith’s reply to this article and reply to it

You might want to mention you’re using mods if you’re going to include the Darnified UI in the screen shots.

Not going to mention that Dunkey is the author of the video?

Y: The Last Man Volume One cause I’m a banned book baller

And then they got attacked by a giant spider made of dead people

If you find Persepolis offensive than you are a fucking moron. I’m sorry the story of a young woman losing her freedom and watching her country go to shit is a little too thought provoking for you.

Hopefully this means GT will be retconned

Whether video game streamer or world cup host, if you broadcast your personal login data to the world you’re to have bad things, that you deserve, happen to you.

Meet the real life Q who uses his omnipotent powers to troll one man

I saw this a few days ago on Reddit where you most likely found it as well.