
TFW you prefer the cold comfort of oblivion to the horror of having to endure another day of grinding monotony and constant social pressure

So she terrorizes her employees, acts like everything is fine when the company is crashing and burning and takes credit for work she never did.
She isn’t doing anything a #maleboss wouldn’t do

So weird to see Zub dropping profanity. This shit ain’t no Skullkickers

>The Alchemist’s Cookbook follows a young man named Sean (Ty Hickson), who heads out into the woods in isolation to try and cook up kooky science and black magic to better understand the world around him. Judging by how he looks in the trailer, I’m betting it doesn’t go all that well for him,

“I can’t like Alan Moore’s work because I don’t like him as a person”
-Every critique of Alan Moore ever.

Nah man, this is the Merriam webster definition I just looked up

idk man. The dictionary definition might not be negative but I’ve never seen the term pander used outside of a negative context. Maybe a better title might have been “Bill Nye to host new Netflix science show”?

What I mean is that i09, a site that with writers who constantly lament the public’s lack of interest with science, is publishing an article claiming that a new science show by one of the most popular science advocates living today is just pandering bullshit. Kinda seems like something a”pro-science” site should be

So wait. It’s not cool top want to educate the public on science anymore?

So I guess I’m what you can call an ITT success. I got my associates in Network Administration and used that to get into a 30k a year helpdesk gig that is pretty easy. I wish I’d know beforehand I could get the same technical education just studying for the A+ cert on my own.

My question is where does this leave us

Ever gonna make any more The Process podcasts?

Take this as a cautionary tale of not lionizing people. Anyone can be a monster when you find them at their worst.

The cast photo is already a train wreck
its like Suicide Squad all over again

>boo hoo young kids are either too bored with the olympics are too knowledgeable about its negative effects so they won’t watch and now I won’t get my 500,000 dollar bonus for selling ad time.


This is what they’ve been doing while they could’ve made their own AM2R.

Make sure you hop on your phone, tablet or netflix to watch our show about how technology is destroying our lives! And after your done head on over to our Facebook and Twitter pages and check out our subreddit for even more news and discussion about how bad technology is.

Everyone knows it is Earl Sweatshirt that puts the Ass in Assassin.

>You can see Cassidy’s eyes

This is why I get so pissed at people who try to hock fake cures and supplements. Being skeptical of the government and big business is fine but spreading fake information and pretending to be an expert in something you know nothing about actually kills people. By the thousands. Every year.

Maybe this recent shooting will prompt a reasonable discussion on mental health and gun control
“did you hear the shooter was a filthy atheist?”
Welp there goes that.