
He really doesn’t understand that making such a move is good in the short-term only. It costs a fuckton of political capital to make these dictator-type moves. The Never-Trumpers are already in a tizzy, and the fuckwits in Congress who are secretly Never-Trumpers only need Mueller to get fired to find something


I usually “DC NYE” - but we didn’t last year for obvious reasons, and ... now we’re here and I’m not even sure (because NYE is on Sunday night, which is almost as weird as the rest of this year has been).

“fair play”

You might want to take a look at this too

I’m … honestly kind of disappointed to see you say that.

Starred for the deep dive. Men historically have perpetuated this disgusting myth of the forceful romantic persuasion. The sleeping beauty “my kiss will make her better and love me” trope needs to buried along with a lot of other vile ideas that for so long have become considered normal.


It’s just a cartoon!

Spike did a movie a long time ago that dealth with this as one of the issues.

One of the best things you can do for her is help her learn how to interact with people who are homophobic and remain intact and okay. Not saying you need to throw her in the fire or force interactions, but when those interactions happen - talk her through them, help her develop coping skills, help her understand

Those orders still have to pass through a number of living human beings before they are acted upon, any of which can derail the whole process simply by refusing to act.