
YES, yesh, yesh! It’s a few weeks away, so, yes. January lunch date, then?

Mind reader!!! I was just thinking that it was high time we met. Chinatown for pho lunch in January? Or, suggestions?

Indeed. And I understood that point & was with you on it from the start:)

I fuckin’ love you. I understand all you’re saying, too, and have for quite a while, in no small part thanks to you.

I know. I’m not saying I or you or anyone like us accepts this. I’m just as painfully aware as you are that a huge portion of Americans feel okay saying & doing these things in the open now, with this toxically racist administration.

Tragically, the only thing on the top of that pyramid that is socially unacceptable now is lynching. These are awful times.

I go, with my State Issued paper clamming license wrapped in shipping tape to keep it dry, clamming. I attach it to my chest waders for the Feds to see. The season is short & cold here on the East Coast, but the chowdah (& all else we cook & eat) is heavenly.

Hiya, LBWG~ I “followed” you for GT, so your comments should be in the black. Please come around more often :)

Crying & snort laughing. Bless you for this

I’ve followed you for GT. Welcome :)

Hey! I just followed you for GT, so your comments should be black from now on :)

Pretty Krabby!

Hello, Rhino~

This just made my day :)

You are already being a wonderful voice, so yea, welcome! I always go to an old comment somewhere to tell people. xo

I just “followed” you for Groupthink. You should be out of the grays and in to the black now :)

HAAAA! MacGuyver-tastic perfection!

What, what?? Has the world finally righted itself on its fucked up axis??? I hope so...


I'm going to follow you for Groupthink so your comments will no longer be grey. Welcome!