yeah i mean it does seem, based on OTHER evidence, that Corden is a complete dick, but this is a very banal example of that
yeah i mean it does seem, based on OTHER evidence, that Corden is a complete dick, but this is a very banal example of that
I don’t think he was ‘making demands’. He said ‘This is how I do my voice. If this is good for you, then cool.’ Blame the producers, if anyone. Seth was just upfront about how is performance would be and they still hired him despite that warning.
Thanks for the input.
So the warning of “brief nudity” in the parental guide notes was the decapitated human dead hanging upside down in the shed. Who said irony was dead?
So David was a cannibal and a pedophile, was he also a pyro? Apparently burning buildings gets him all riled up? You’d think self-preservation would win out over deviant urges, but whatever.
I don’t think you understand; they are only calling this a “moral victory” because the right doesn’t care. The conservative/GOP/right wingers will make shit up and when called out on making shit up, will make up more shit. They don’t give a shit about facts or debate. They think whoever screams the loudest wins.
Did you intend for that to make sense?
It’s “plum role.”
Let me break this down for you, champ:
The January 24 nomination announcement instantly sparked a new conversation online, not one about the merits of Riseborough’s performance, but how her acknowledgment resulted in zero Black actresses landing a nomination, namely The Woman King’s Viola Davis and Till’s Danielle Deadwyler.
I can see what you mean, but I think by design it is a show which tries to pack in a lot of fun moments for the guest stars. The basic structure of the show is part of that, but so is the slightly surrealist tone, the physical comedy, and of course Lyonne’s manic energy once Charlie gets on the case.
or Totino’s
The employee was new and probably wasn’t properly trained, which is the fault of the manager if true. As a former GS employee myself, I can definitely believe that a new employee wasn’t given proper training and then left alone to watch a store.
Then your local store is not following policy.
When the systems are checked into inventory the computer system prints a tag with the serial number that is retained in a binder at the register. That tag is scanned when the system is sold, not the system itself.
Literally everything about the Oscars is elitist trash.
She’s entirely correct though.
Honestly, even if her performance was crap, I’d still find it difficult to care, considering that the majority of nominations are backed by multi-million dollar campaigns by well-connected studios.
I don’t see what the big deal is , and why the Academy wouldn’t allow her to do what she did. Other than outright bribing people for votes, I think people should be allowed to campaign for themselves and get their performance seen in whatever way they can. It’s the fucking Oscars. It’s not a federal election. If she…
When someone is asked about their opinion on something, God forbid they express a distaste for it.