
Giving up on this site. Been visiting since before the kinjapocalypse. I loved the commenter community before, but still found the content decent enough to keep lurking. I've tolerated the decline in writing quality, the clickbait, the endless loading ads to the point of making the pages non-functional... But the

No typo, they were referencing his desire to play the live action Mario

Eh, only $70 for the GameCube style controller for the Switch, but point taken

Highly recommend the biography by Geoff Emmerick, the Beatles’ longtime sound engineer. By his account, the White Album was exactly a hodgepodge of solo efforts. None of them recorded or wrote much together during that period

I recall The Hateful 8 had one

Ok focker

His end game was to sell a shit ton of overpriced garbage Tesla stock using the Twitter debacle as cover while only minimally pissing off shareholders. Mission accomplished

Bravo, bravo 

That’s not Busy Bee, it’s a bear in a bee costume

Between this and The Eye for me


Ironically, almost enough to buy an adult happy meal

Not until Lalo called Hector’s nursing home that was bugged, I think

*shouldn't* be political :/

Look everyone, an incel in the wild!

The grades given for the finale were B+ and B for the “experts” and “newbies” reviews, respectively

I thought it was an eye cover thing people wear when they sleep. Might have seen it wrong tho

Fuckin love Lalo. By far the best Salamanca

To be sure, a grave moral failure occurred, but the psychology and philosophy that underpins this ongoing spectacle can very ably be explained as an act of free will.”

Technically incorrect is the best kind of incorrect