
I turned myself into A Problem Mortyyyyyy [brap]

Yeah, just throw away all of that sweet sweet intellectual property cash.  That’s what networks are known for.

Guys, this is like the fourth article you’ve done on the tendril kiss, and you’ve offered zero coverage of the time I totally kissed my Canadian girlfriend.

Maybe it’s because I’m a “filthy poor” but I’ve NEVER understood throwing or breaking a controller. Even when my lizard brain gets angry my logical brain screams “THAT’S A $70 MISTAKE, PLACE THE CONTROLLER ON THE TABLE AND TAKE A BREAK DIPSHIT!”

Speaking as someone who has lost his temper and thrown things (including controllers), this is what babies do. It’s not complicated but it’s up to those around him and those watching him how they choose to feel about someone acting like a baby. It’s up to him to decide if this behavior is something that he wants to

You do realize that you have no fucking idea what the term “evidence” means, correct? Pam’s statement is direct, eyewitness, evidence. You can choose to believe it or not, but saying there is “no evidence” is just stupid. Oh, and she’s not charging him with a crime, or suing him, so the bar here for “evidence” is

I think it’s a pointless argument unless people start doing sex crimes in the middle of the afternoon on busy streets or everyone has body cams on them every single second of their waking lives.

To be pedantic, humans don’t produce one egg per month, they release one egg per month.

I accept that you’re an idiot (that wants to see Tim Allen’s wiener).

Gerbils have an estrous cycle, which dictates when they mate. But they don’t go through a menstrual cycle. Instead, the lining of the womb is reabsorbed not expelled. This doesn’t negatively affect fertility.

I don’t know what Tim Allen’s politics are, but I’m sure a coked-up comic 90s comic would never pull such an untoward stunt!

Fortunately, Pamela Anderson had the presence of mind to carry a camcorder with her at all times and captured the exact moment when Tim Allen flashed her and, so there was no confusion about consent, she turned the camera on herself and said, “I didn’t consent to that!” while maintaining a perfect frown.


he also shared two Forpsoken trailers that make the game look appealing”

welp, I’m calling it Forpsoken from now on.

“The sketch felt like an obligation as if the writers felt like they had to do something with the cultural phenomenon of Avatar. It lacked focus, direction, or commentary. It felt overlong, even though it was relatively short. It was a lazy sketch that relied more on costuming and sets than good writing”

That headline promised a lot and I wasn't disappointed. 

Now playing

Probably my favourite Game of Thrones related content.

I had a hell of a time trying to parse the headline before realizing “kicked off Sundance” meant she started the event and not that she had been removed from some kind of panel or something at Sundance because of her comments.

Dakota Johnson roasted Armie Hammer, which is ironic because that’s exactly how Hammer would prepare Johnson.

Yeah, I too love it when local DA’s waste tax payer money on unwinnable cases so that they can burnish their resumes.