
Seeing that he’s the same age as me just makes me realize how little I’ve accomplished in my life. I guess I can still feel good about myself because I’m not as asshole on Twitter. And I work 40 hours a week and spend quality time with my kids every day.  Suck it, Musk!

No, I mean Dude What in response to the bleaching sphincter comment. I’d be all riled up if called her a B or implied she was on her period or something like that. But anal bleaching? That’s a weird thing to say even if she did bleach assholes for a living.  Fuckin Florida, man.   

What is amazing is that the original NES music was essentially the equivalent of a musical doorbell, and now we have a symphony that will tour playing the music of the Legend of Zelda. What they were able to do once they got to the SNES was game-changing. Super Mario World and Link to the Past are jam-packed with ear

Boring world, few enemies with most just recolors, non-existant crafting system, criminally underused mechanics, boring dungeons and temples...

Well, that’s one Switch game review that we know won’t be plagiarized...

Man, you nailed it. I guess now I’ll have to overwrite the memories of having 100 hours of amazing fun in the game (the most fun I’ve had in an open-world-game for years, apart from heavily modded Skyrim) with pure disappointment. Thank you for opening my eyes!

(Low enemy vatiety is a valid criticism)

Overrated: Term for when you don’t like something that’s popular. Term that doesn’t exist because there’s no objective “good” rating that can be given to anything.

im going to frame this and hang it on my office wall

I came here expecting replies about how bad this game is and totally overrated it is.

Quite an Edgelord opinion you have there bro. It’s only been about 18 months since the game came out, I’m sure that shiny newness will wear off any day now .... any day ...


Except your response wasn’t well thought out, and you’re obviously incapable of understanding why you’re wrong.

Here, let’s try again:

Why is it okay for Jewish comedians to make fun of Jewish people?
Why is it okay for Black comedians to make fun of Black people?
Why is it okay for obese comedians to make fun of obese

When one race holds another in slavery for hundreds of years and then continually oppresses them even after the lawful slavery has ended those rules kind of go out the window. The white community has decided it’s racist. My father taught me in the ‘80s never to say the word because it’s racist.  If black people want

Honestly, none of this stuff is new. We knew that the hiring/firing process for staffers in the Trump admin was insanely flawed already. We knew Trump is a racist already. Heck, we knew he is a groping weirdo already. None of this stuff is new.

And now, an exclusive leak of the Republican talking points for if/when the ‘N-word tape’ comes out:

1) If black people can use the word, why can’t Trump? The President is very concerned with building bridges, and reclaiming this word for everybody (old-school racists included) can only help to bring America together.

I feel so conflicted about this feud. I suppose I should be happy about every little thing that further proves how much of troglodyte Donald Trump is, but Omorosa is plainly a self-serving attention seeker and the dirt she’s digging up on him seems petty compared to the mountain of terrible thing he’s done right out

I bet Omarosa expected the walls of the Situation Room to fall away to reveal a studio audience.

That Trump would go to so much effort to have his staff sign NDAs that are entirely unenforcable is just so on brand for him. Sure, other politicians have been corrupt, but no one else has been so ineptly corrupt.

Omarohno Am I Really Talking About This? edition. Sigh... Yes. Briefly. Omarosa doesn’t have a lot of credibility. She just doesn’t. She has tapes, though, so that’s something. You know who also doesn’t have credibility beyond tapes (and lots of documents)? Michael Cohen. What do Cohen and Omarosa have in common? They

The acceptable level of audaciousness with regards to outfits seems directly proportional to how much you exemplify the socially accepted ideal of pretty.