
The criticism of this new category is justified, but in all seriousness I do think there is room for two “Best Picture” awards.  But the criteria I’d establish would be something more along the lines of “Best Picture - Studio Production” and “Best Picture - Independent Production.”  Since Studio pictures tend to be

It’s weird to feel like you have have to defend CNN, which is a trash cable network but still a legitimate news source. Conservatives have taken Trump’s lead and constantly accuse any liberal who disagrees with them or parroting CNN. I’m constantly informing out of touch conservatives that no one under 50 actually

Horn refers to Alan Horn, the chairman of Disney (he delivered the bad news).

Agreed. If my previous comment seemed to make any excuses for the plagiarist then I’ll chalk it up to not enough coffee yesterday. I’m seeing the guy was fired now, and he fully deserves it.

I’d throw in Matt Damon in The Departed. While he had played a bad guy in The Talented Mr. Ripley, by 2006 he was much more widely known for the heroic action star roles or Mr Nice Guy roles. And he played off both of those images in The Departed by being a terrible villain who went undercover as a heroic cop and a

I don’t think he realized it was my paper as in the Uk I go by my moms last name and in Mexico I’m forced to use my fathers last name

The idea is to be able to find sources that you can use to form an argument that is backed by research done by others, because doing all that research yourself would be expensive and tiresome.

we can rule out randomness, we do it all the time. basically every judgment a person makes is probabilistic. the level of scepticism you’re advocating would debilitate every judgment every person made about everything. 

Maybe things have changed since Amazon bought it out, but “Down on your luck” and “Shopping at Whole Foods” seem like two concepts that just don’t jive together.

Oh, man. College writing teacher here. You get this all, the, time. And it looks just like the examples in this article. No matter how much you tell people that a professional writer’s syntax is really obviously different from a college student’s, someone will still think you won’t notice if they just break out a

I hope you never serve on a jury if that’s your take away from all of this.

It’s plagiarism.

is that you R Kelly?

It’s funny - I was actually looking back through Filip Miucin’s other reviews to see if I could find other examples of plagiarism, but they’re all so full of cliches (“The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim still holds up as one of the most immersive virtual worlds ever created in a video game”) that it’s impossible to tell.

same for Remix to Ignition

Bautista may be acting a little over-exuberant with these statements but I admire the man for sticking to his Gunn.

I will never understand why so many people love season 2 so much. It was easily the worst of the series. Okay, in a great show like FARGO, “the worst” still means “Now that was some damn good television!”, but “Gang war in a rural area” wasn’t nearly as interesting or exciting as “Average Joe gets seduced by the

Me have to admit, that sound like pretty good plan.

You know damn well you’re just going to buy the same quantity of cookies and eat them while watching Fargo. 

Cool. Thanks for that, Deepak Chopra.