
Three days, huh?  That happened swiftly.

If that’s what happened, he should have led with that—rather than call the accuser a vindictive, lying nutjob

I for one can’t wait to see Christopher Plummer in Deadpool 2.

I was totally on board with Rey and Kylo becoming Emperor and Empress, him in black and she in white. She could prevent his genocidal/patricidal tendencies and he could prevent her idealism from blowing in her face. Plus, they were making made f*ck eyes at each other.

Yes. That’s one of my big hopes for the next movie, that Rey will build a new Jedi order that doesn’t make the same stupid mistakes as the last one. Like maybe ripping tiny children away from their families and turning them into magic space monks with no bonds to other humans is a bad idea.

Eminem’s Revival seems to be getting bashed, but this album is good to me. I feel like it’s getting undue hate because a lot of people have a very narrow definition of what rap is. Because Eminem makes a lot of pop-rap and rock-rap, people just automatically go, “IT’S THE WORST ALBUM EVER!” This album had better raps

Eh, I’m still voting for him over Kid Rock next year.

It’s an interesting point. We could help poor Africans we don’t know by spending the money we would otherwise spend on free healthcare for Americans. Should we do that instead of helping people who live in the same country as us? Should we ritually kill the richest person in the world each year, distribute his or her

Don’t feel bad. There is a lot of good TV, but there are a lot of of good things to do as well. No one can do them all.

Porkchop remembers why Doug got into this race.

I hope Moore never concedes. I hope he shows up at the capitol on the day Jones is to be sworn in and winds up being forcibly removed from the building. I hope a female guard kicks Moore in the nards on his way out.

A-. A-. Dowd

Your mom sends them to me all the time.

Maybe it was something completely harmless like a stroke. We can learn to laugh again.

...Eh, I’ll pass on this one. It doesn’t seem like it’s fair to mock a speech impediment caused by dentures, especially when we have so much more to work with.

Hooray! A moral victory!

Personally, I wish they didn’t have *anybody* specific on the cover. This is about celebrities and non-celebrities alike.

This is gonna sound dumb, but I have to vent for a second.

Look, I don’t know about any of that but you can’t say “nobody-actor Michael Rapaport”. The man was Scoggins, for crying out loud!

The way people talk about different generations has always been so weird to me. Like, apparently someone born 15 years before me is part of my generation and thus somehow fundamentally the same as me but someone born 5 years after me is part of a different generation and therefore fundamentally different than me. It