
The ACA was subject to 47 public hearings and roundtables before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and another 53 before the Senate Finance Committee. It underwent a monthlong marking up in the bipartisan HELP Committee before being brought to the floor for a vote. There, it was debated for 25

What fools we were! Oh, if only all us here at the AV Club would’ve listened to your words of wisdom back whenever the fuck it is you’re talking about, America wouldn’t be in this mess right now!

I think you should apologize, Sean. There is no excuse for such insulting comparisons to the noble weasel. They are perfectly decent animals, and deserve better.

Well... You’re a dick.

Ignatiy is a tough but fair reviewer, so I’m inclined to believe him.

I like Iggy, he’s a trustworthy reviewer, buuuut I still really want to see this.

I’m so glad NBC fired Conan. So obvious they hate humor and comedy on their late night talk shows. I find it amazing they somehow found someone less funny and interesting than Jay Leno.

His enthusiasm for hats is the second thing I think of when I hear his name.

[Spoilers for the last Fantastic Beasts movie]

Are you telling me Ringo can’t breathe underwater? I mean he said he’d like to be in an Octopus’ Garden and I doubt he’d like to drown

“And if he did it with her in the road? The Beatles said that too. You wanna say the Beatles are wrong?”

Vespertine is my favorite album of hers, so to see multiple comparisons to that and “Pagan Poetry” make me very excited.

‘also had a fight with his ex-girlfriend’ - way to underplay the battery conviction he got for beating the shit out of the woman. But hey, he didn’t rape her so kudos.

Disqus covered a multitude of sins.

^lead balloon

Patrick Stewart, Michael Jordan. Both better without the hair.

he’ll disname you with a smile.

Despite all his names, he is still just a rat in a cage!!!


*spoiler* (??) There’s a lady at one of the stables who will braid or put flowers in your horse’s mane. I think Raincloud needs some flowers ASAP.