
“Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...stuff” is the exact level of science I need from the show,

shift from pure sci-fi to fantasy”? Doctor Who has been squarely in the fantasy camp for the vast majority of it airtime.  

It’s almost shocking how well-adjusted the adults the Harry Potter child stars grew up to be are, even beyond the “big 3" of Daniel, Emma and Rupert.

Demme didn’t intervene on Glaudini’s behalf

Come on Depp apologists, come on and make your comments. You’re totally not just misogynists, you’re fighting for a valiant cause, like a knight in the crusades or a WW2 fighter pilot.

Totally agree. I don’t think it’s Sonny Lee’s responsibility to only make Asian-American-focused art, but I’ll miss what he did in that area. Ebert’s impromptu speech during the “Better Luck Tomorrow” Q&A decades ago is tattooed in my brain as well, so I appreciated how three-dimensional the characters were in Beef,

I’m glad it’s an anthology and not continuing the last story. The last story ended perfectly (imo) and doesn’t need more.

Can’t be putting old people in movies, bud. 28? *vomit*

He has a twenty year directing career with several Oscar and Golden Globe noms, I think he has chops. Not to mention he grew up around some of these characters.

I was telling someone about this last month and they kept insisting that it must’ve been a dream I had and couldn’t be real. It was one of those outdoors-without-phone-service days where I couldn’t prove it. They were so confident that I was wrong that I began to doubt myself a little. This’ll show the bastard. 

Show was already getting review bombed before it was even out.

To quote a line from spoof Acorn Antiques documentary

We professionals notice - Joe Public never clocks a damn thing”

I honestly do not understand what an ‘industry plant’ is supposed to be. An entertainer someone in the industry wants to promote? Isn’t that literally every entertainer that’s gotten successful?

We all know that the proper way to do special effects for ‘Doctor Who’ is to raid the BBC stationery cupboard and make the week’s monster out of whatever you can glue together.

It was the anti-religious stuff that made me eventually lose patience with Ricky. I’m a pretty committed atheist, but I found his “rEliGiOuS pEoPlE aRe So DuMb” schtick so irritating. It particularly got my goat on Twitter, as he would make some absolute ridiculous straw man argument, and when someone would politely

exactly. it’s the kind of joke that would get nothing at a normal comedy show because it’s barely a joke, and like i said the punchline truly just amounts to ‘gay people love clothes, am i right?’

I guess he went from transgressive to trans-aggressive.

“Bottom text”! Classic!

I feel like you’ve got it reversed. Moffat *loved* super plotty timey wimey long term story arc stuff. Smith’s second series in particular. RTD laid seeds but Tennant’s doctor had piles of standalone episodes. Moffat is much more known for the rep of season long arcs.