No, it’s not. The stock market nowadays is gears towards short-term gambling instead of long-term investing.
People are gambling not on the future growth and profits of Tesla itself, but on the future growth on Tesla’s stock price.
No, it’s not. The stock market nowadays is gears towards short-term gambling instead of long-term investing.
People are gambling not on the future growth and profits of Tesla itself, but on the future growth on Tesla’s stock price.
The trick is to bail just before the sky starts falling, and buy again when it hits the floor.
You can feel that Tesla is a strong long term bet and still think the current valuation is bananas.
Everyone says this now while the stock keeps going up and up. It happens literally for every single bubble in history since fuckin tulip mania.
I don’t think that’s the takeaway of the comment at all.
they are looking at potential profits in the future.
Investors aren’t looking at anything with Tesla, it’s just pure delusion.
The P/E ratio is currently over 1,600. Investors would have to legitimately believe that Tesla’s future market cap will be $32 trillion? 15x more than the current most valuable company?
l m a o
/preemptive strike
Agree, now they’re making spin-offs of spin-offs (spin-off squared, if you will) and will continue taking it to whatever exponent hoping something will stick. I mean it could work, and we shouldn’t knock it just yet, but...ten? Really?
I want to see Garfield and McGuire playing actors playing Spidey as part of some “dramatic recreations” on JJ’s news network.
It feels really weird that they’d do an all-out Spiderverse-type plotline right after...the Spiderverse movie already pulled off the same trick.
Your problem is also the appeal of the game. You’re given tools and a general quest and have to explore and figure things out.
I think you probably nailed it. The entire first movie was basically Rey and Finn flirting with each other..then it weirdly went nowhere and dried up faster than Leia kissing Luke. . This unfortunately though is what happens when you bring in a new director with entirely different ideas and who obviously thought the…
I thought Johnson was setting up a classic Wuthering Heights/Phantom of the Opera/Dracula triangle story where the good girl is drawn to the bad boy but will eventually find her way back to the good guy. Or some variation. It is problematic because the focus is always on the bad boy/Brooding Byronic man versus the…
It’s inconsequential in hindsight, but it’s crucial character development for Finn. At the start of the movie, Finn is only looking after himself and Rey. He does not want to get involved in the fight unless he absolutely had to. It’s through going on this mission with Rose that he learns that he avoid choosing a…
Exactly, Rian Johnson gave Finn an arc in TLJ. At the beginning of TLJ, all he cares about is looking after himself and Rey and tying to stay out of the conflict. His whole arc though the movie is learning he cannot avoid picking a side and he must fight against tyranny.
I was about to the say the same thing. This seems like more of case of not liking Johnson’s directorial style on set or something, because nobody sidelined Finn and Rose more than Abrams.
I disagree with Boyega’s criticisms of TLJ (like, really dude, that’s the movie of the three you’re gonna trash for giving you nothing to do? Really???) but I do appreciate his ability to completely give zero fucks about shit-talking Disney.
Hell, in Dual of the Fates, Finn actually has his own subplot surrounding organizing starting an uprising of former stormtroopers on Corascant. Abrams pretty much scrapped all of it for Finn shouting Rey;s name and having him needing to tell Rey something that he never bothers to tell her in the film.
I wonder his exact grievances with The Last Jedi. If anything I thought Johnson gave nuance to Poe (hotshot flyboy to dangerous arrogance to balanced leader) and Finn (being too foolhardy and self-sacrificing in trying to save others), while introducing Rose in the first place.
It was Abrams’ RoS that blatantly and…