McCain’s husband runs the Federalist which traffics in racism even more blatant than Trump and Graham. She’s doing a public display here. Let’s see her call out her husband.
McCain’s husband runs the Federalist which traffics in racism even more blatant than Trump and Graham. She’s doing a public display here. Let’s see her call out her husband.
Sad to hear, was a fan of his boxing. He was robbed by the corrupt judges against De La Hoya and Chavez. I think a lot of Floyd Mayweather’s brash persona (in the ring, ignore his awfulness outside) was a reaction to how guys like Pernell were constantly robbed to reward more fan-friendly but worse boxers.
I remember a few years ago when Broner was doing his Floyd light impression and fooling some people. I saw him and said “nah, not the same”. I agree with you on Pernell over Floyd defensively, and they don’t make them like that anymore.
I wish some of the kids could finally break through, it’s not that the big 3 are still as good as they are, it’s that the younger generations just can’t seem to make the mental leap to win a major. It’s kind of sad that the last one who seemed close was Milos Raonic in 2016 Wimbledon? I guess Thiem in French open 2…
...i didn’t realize this internet argument was all you had going in life...i’m so sorry. But I did you a favor, now you know what sunk cost fallacy is, so use that in the future. I’m done with you now. Peace.
“As i’ve explained it clearly”...dude, you really haven’t. You said “sunk cost” and thought that was enough, I explained what the actual sunk cost fallacy is, and now you are doubling down on stupid. It’s fine, but words have meaning. You are literally saying he should have spent money (good money) just because he was…
Lol, you should have just stopped. Sunk cost has nothing to do with long or short term. It’s a simple idea about spending - if you spent some money on something that went wrong/failed/didn’t give you the return you wanted, don’t keep spending money to justify it. That’s it. So really, just stop, you are embarrassing…
Sunk costs is the cost of getting to the theater. The whole concept is “don’t throw good money after bad” know, like don’t spend $40 on a movie just because you spent $2 on gas driving? Lol, don’t throw around words you don’t understand mr “accountant”. (I’m an actual CPA, so I, unlike you, understand the sunk…
You and the other guy are literally just “angry online” for things that have nothing to do with you. My tactic for the two of you is simple: Treat bootlickers like bootlickers. You deserve no more effort.
They went with free passes, they didn’t want to spend money on a movie. Why are you so mad at that? Are you Mr AMC?
I apologize for offending you Mr Nanjiani!
Well damn, i was already getting this (missed out on fates and awakenings...should probably rectify that later), but this is a great write up.
Well then, he and his wife didn’t waste a trip after all!
Clay doesn’ thave a black friend. He is black.
This is why we can’t have nice things. A person who is more left than the average Democrat just a few years ago is now considered “not left enough” in a state that is a R+30 state.
And yet, the second Tucker speaks some vaguely socialist stuff you’ll have lefties online tweeting that he is one of the better Fox hosts, and “why can’t MSNBC talk like this”. Note: You praise anything about Tucker and you are not an ally.
It was a flag many times in my attempts at a relationship, but you keep plugging away and someone won’t care about it. I also found usually they disliked me for other normal reasons, the relationship thing wasn’t the real deal breaker.
my GF is late for everything, but she was never late for our dates. I’ve learned to work around it when we have obligations. “we have to be at my parents at 12:30, so we are waking up at 9". Lol, if i know how long she takes, I’ll make sure for both of us that she has the right amount of time to get there.
You are just feeling all of the emotions, aren’t you Mr Davidson?
And another point - what are Netflix most popular shows? The ones that were on Networks for a decade. What are the most popular movies? The ones people saw in the theater as a kid.