
Nothing i said in any way diminishes customer service. It does do a service to the filmmakers though, ensuring that their movie is seen by the most people possible, and likely helps drive subscriptions as people who see a movie in the theater and don’t have netflix subscribe later on.

Netflix leaves money on the table with their movie strategy. Release the movie in the theater for a one or two month run, then quickly put it on Netflix. Or just a two week theater run, just anything to get it out there and make some extra money. No one is signing up and keeping Netflix for this movie or Bright. So

Coming to this late, but for me this show, season 1 in particular, could have used 4 more episodes. I didn’t buy Eve’s “obsession/love” of Villanelle, not enough work was done there. I bought the other way around, I thought Villanelle’s character was just written better, but Eve just frustrated me. Sometimes you

In defense of Krueger, have you read her stuff on politics? I’d prefer she stick to writing about “The View”.

The real key for me has been a digital thermometer. Monitor the internal temperature, no guesswork at all.

It’s actually “sore-y”

I’m just confused about what would even make this “utopia”. I think of utopia and I’m thinking “people can pursue their desires without worry of the financial consequences, no wars or poverty”. Stuff like that. How is “hey, your kids aren’t your kids!” utopia. (note, I’m a 38 year old with no kids and no real desire

I know! just this sentence made me go “whaaaaa?”

I think he got what you were saying. You just seem to think in a truly bizarre big company friendly way.

Enjoy your vacation!

“fake news” said by all MAGA losers...I think we have a ratfucker here.

Right. I was in a hospital for a few days in 2005. I was free to walk around with my IV, and i walked around just outside the hospital, just like this. I was never stopped or questioned. Of course I’m maybe that’s why the obvious thing of “walking with an IV to get out of my stuffy room” was looked at as a

I wonder how much of this has to do with Bors public (and much deserved) criticism of Glenn Greenwald. If Glenn had anything to do with this, all the more reason to hate that egotistical white nationalist supporting blowhard.

I think their albums would get a lot more crap for the silly gimmick songs they put on them, that’s for sure. I still see articles saying “well, actually, Revolution 9 is interesting...”. Nah, it’s not even a song, and it would get roasted if released today.

I’m not going to agree. If you make a game with their properties, they have a duty to end it. It’s not overzealous. It’s making sure there isn’t a gradual pushing of the envelope. Your free fan Mario game today links to a Patreon tomorrow. “Hey guys, i’m doing Mario Battle Royale 2, but it’s taking a lot of time that

right, Beatlemania was not just about the music. We’ve seen similar (smaller) fandoms over the years and the music is nowhere near as good, but it shows that it’s not just about the music. The Beatles had “it”. A random dude in 2019 playing their music wouldn’t.

My only problem with the premise is that the new guy making Beatles music becomes a huge hit. Not a chance, rock is dead, he’d be a niche artist on increasingly marginalized rock radio, played in between “Imagine Dragons” and “Twenty One Pilots”, if he even got radio play. The Beatles and Beatlemania can’t just be

Leto would have been 25 though, and Cruise kind of played Hunt pretty young in the first movie, so he could have been in the movie. I looked at his IMDB, he got a staring role in a major movie  a year after M:I, the lead in “Prefontaine”. 

Always good to announce a connected universe before releasing anything. Someone post the “Dark Universe” cast tweet, that’s what this feels like.

Oh poor you...