
This is cool and all, but one thing I've always disliked about using the Xbox 360 as a media center is that the fan is so damn loud. You have to have your speakers fairly loud to drown out the Xbox.

This is one way that speciation occurs. An original population migrates to a new area, food is scarce for a few years, there's a disease that wipes out a large percentage of the population, etc. Eventually the changes from the original population are too great to allow for reproduction of viable offspring. Bottleneck

I know that they technically aren't Apple employees. But if Apple really wanted to, they could see to it that the workers are paid better.

I was thinking Mo Rocca.

What about Apple being a leader in industry? Don't they have the power to make a change and hold other corporations to the same standard? It wouldn't be too much skin off their backs to increase the wages of their employees in China to something more substantial than $17 per day and decrease the amount of time working.

yeah, a bit forced.

"Sadly, some rationalizations are not rational."

Not to mention E. coli being used every day in labs all over the world to cure diseases and increase our knowledge of biology.

It's a cool idea for a piece of art, but this would in no way improve how I make music. I imagine balls rolling all over the place loosey-goosey and willy-nilly. It'd slow me down.

Maybe this guy's been on his mind lately.

I'd say from other posts, there's no wondering about Gizmodo's political colors. This statement doesn't really show any bias. If I were a Republican, I'd be shitting my pants right now.

Multicellularity can lead to compartmentation, which is the root of divergent cellular functions. When certain cells always perform the same task, they get very efficient at it and may lose the ability to function alone. This is the basis of multicellular organisms and their organs.

First mouse I have carved in decades. I bet a mouse is harder to carve than a turkey. Need a little carving knife.

Hipster watch.

Perhaps this phrase harks back to the days of the black death, where rats were the carriers of Yersinia pestis infested fleas. If you didn't like someone, you could give a rat's ass (with fleas) to them if you wished for them to become infected.

I'd agree if we were still under the system where you had to pay $30,000+ for a decent camera and putting that money upfront would be a large burden. If you pay 1/20 the price of a camera to rent it, then it makes more sense to buy it if you're going to use it more than 20 times, right? And you build that cost into

I'm guessing the variations are because it's still a developing technology. I'm also not sure why 2k exists at the resolution of 2048 x 1152. Do those extra 128 vertical and 72 horizontal lines (over 1080p) really make that much of a difference?

If you're a DP, no, you usually don't need to buy one because it's built into the project's budget. But if you're an indie filmmaker who shoots a little here, a little there, on the weekends, etc., then it makes more sense to buy than rent at this price.

No 60i?!?!?

I believe a lot of productions using the RED Epic would finish in 4k even if they shoot in 5k. 4k is used in newer digital projection systems at theaters too, so for films being released today they've already been digitized in 4k. To undertake the process of re-digitizing and everything that is associated with that