
You'd have to make sure the source videos your "windows" have high framerate too. 60 or 50 fps should do it.

You could register a fake business as a movie theater, then buy some equipment, then "rent" movies from distributors. Shouldn't be too pricey or anything.

4k is actually 2160P. It refers to the horizontal resolution, whereas 1080P refers to the vertical resolution.

Now playing

Not sure, but it probably has something to do with this.

Word. I have an Android phone, Windows 7 laptop, hackintosh desktop, and iPad. Refuse to be a part of the nonsense.

Boycott Major County Sheriffs! Boycott the NFL! Boycott Pfizer!

I also think that half the people against the bill aren't doing it for noble reasons. They just want to continue to pirate content.

"Investigating officers didn't know the origin of the Patriot missiles or who was supposed to receive them."

Yeah, it's a sad state when people not being able to get their "stuff" = ruined christmas.

When I worked at Best Buy, you had to pay $26 for a USB cable. If a customer wanted one, I would steer them towards a memory card reader with the same exact USB cable for $22. Still a huge rip-off though.

What a good employee would do is look up the Walmart price online, then give the customer a price match. I worked at Best Buy during the holiday season a few years ago, and this is exactly what we did if there was any difference in the online price and store price.

This is why people say "genetic predisposition" rather than "genetic determinism." Someone might have a genetic predisposition for cancer or schizophrenia, but this doesn't mean they have/will have it. There are certain traits, like eye color that are directly linked to genotype. There are others, like IQ that are

Gizmodo, usually I don't hate on your typos, articles that aren't about tech, etc. But waiting 30 seconds through a Verizon ad to see the video? Not cool. I don't mind ads on the page or 5 - 10 second interruptions, but half a minute is pushing it. I'd rather not be reminded of VEVO when I come to this site.

OK I guess I misunderstood. But I'm still having trouble understanding your logic of why she isn't talented. It's fine if you don't like her music, but she has talent.

I'm sorry to hear that you dislike music because it is mainstream. Do you also dislike actors because they're on TV?

Just out of curiousity, is your username a reference to these guys?

I'm sure every single artist you listen to writes their own lyrics and produces their own tracks.

Nevermind, I think it's for the whole interwebz.

Is this just for making Skype calls? Or can you access the rest of the web? I couldn't tell for sure from Skype's releases, but it seems like it's only for Skype usage.