
I love you

No. Don’t you get it? It’s been their plan all along. Criticize old people and the right, assume their uneducated, then completely shut down their opinions. Then play the race card to prevent further debate. Cool platform you have here gang!

Well said. It’s occurred to me in the last few days that if you’re a minority/feminist/gay/transgender/questioning/ of a general liberal mindset, you’re allowed to be offended without question or reservation, and the world stops and changes until your preciousness is placated. No matter how bizarre or unusual a course

JFK was a phenomenal public speaker. He also had an incredibly thick accent.

Exactly this. Giggs needs to go out and prove he can be the manager before he gets the job. But also, Mourinho called his decision “brave” in the preser

One of my first moments of being woke was when Vince Carter went to his graduation and was getting dragged for it. I’m a Sixers fan and was watching with my dad and we had this exchange:

Name one thing from the past two games that gives you hope the Cavs can win four of the next five games.

True. Sorry for being so pedantic. It just seems that when people bring up the Hitler elected fact they usually mean to imply elected in the same sense as say a mayor not defectors elected in the sense that their elected officials selected him.

I’m sorry that Chyna died young and alone. It must have been the universe’s goal of that day.

Manny Sanguillen hit a lot of crap. But, Vlad probably hit it harder.

Scientists say that perhaps as much as 20% of my DNA comes from Neanderthals. As someone who is part caveman, I resent the comparison to Byron Scott. He is what my ancestors would have called “dinner”.

Like the Wahabbist Saudis, he is trying to drag us back into the Dark Ages, before women’s rights, before the 3-point shot.

Which would still be miles better than farting around in MLS so I’ll take it.