
Coughlin was good when they had mark Brenell. I think they made an AFC championship game or 2

We will all be dead by the time this rebuild would have been over. Hinkey was talking about needing 10 years in his letter. He is a rodclious person.

Your like a crappy Vancouver. Settle down

SJW has been made a insult by all the people branding themselves as such and basically being ridiculous people. Not a shock there is pushback

Sounds a lot like what this site and commented were asking to be done to Derrick Rose.

Beating this buffoon by 5% is not much of an achievement.

It’s a fairly hypocritical position considering the amount of times this site has come down on Goodell for extra legal punishment

I think it’s more likely his shit play ruined his career. He was riding the pine long before he started kneeling for the anthem.

Yeah it was brutal. That inning he kept calling that low and inside slider for a strike. That pitch is basically un-hitabale in that spot. If your going to call that a strike I mean you have no chance.  

No, but you need you think a race is inferior. As, I say using what people say on internet chat to make sweeping generalizations is foolish.

That works once. Once people know a bastion is in the game people are on guard and he is trained by everyone, and he is super easy to kill.

Lighten the fuck fuck man.

If I was an asshole and trying to say the meanest shit to someone I might say a lot of things I don’t really think to be mean or get a rise out of someone.

People are trying to be the biggest assholes they can be. I mean I play a lot of games and the amount of times I hear shit like I’ll rape your mother would lead you to believe these people thinking about raping middle age women all day and that America has a rape epidemic.

People saying shit on the internet is not idicative of anything. People say the worst things abut everything on the Internet. If I took what people say on the Internet as a beromeator I would assume America is a mad max distopea.

He plays like a short PG. what game he has is based on dribble penetration not craft and shooting. Those guys don’t age well.

You hit the nail on the head. This trade has no good outcome. He plays like shit, and well he plays like shit. He plays good and the Knicks give a multi year deal to injury prone small PG on the wrong side of 30.

This is the kinda shit you should lose your job for. I mean watching the game as soon as he threw a 9o mph meatball to Travis followed up by another meatball to Donaldson it was pretty clear he had nothing to get anyone out with and would just need to get lucky to even have a chance.

Really? I was not awear? I think it needs more coverage
