
It’s the opposite, though. If someone tbags me or talks shit in QP, I assume they’re the one that’s actually mad/triggered. It’s usually the guy I’ve killed about 8 times without dying once that finally kills me in a teamfight and tbags me as if they finally did something.

Honestly getting rid if teabagging sleeping players by not fixing it works for many reasons. These are sleeping players, Anna would not want to wake them unless to murder them.   

Got damn. Dude quit after 3 years of consistent play because he couldn’t t-bag? Good riddance I guess. 

I agree.

3 years of overwatch and he quits over losing method of being toxic?...

“I checked it. They actually did it. It’s live. I uninstalled. This is my last post. Bye Overwatch after 3 years of every day play. I won’t support censorship on such level,”

Alternate title: “This Week in Absurd Hills to Die On...”

I'm confused as to how any of this is news? Obviously they're upcharging you. You understand it's a business, yes? How do you think they make money? How is this not common sense? 

Wait, so you are saying that if I get more people and companies involved in a task, that task ends up costing more?

I should tell Bob down the road about this.  I’ve been swapping beans and corn with him for his chickens for years.  

So you’re saying I can exchange my money for both goods AND services?

So it’s cheaper to go and get your food instead of having it delivered. In essence you are paying for the delivery with your, time, effort, gas, etc... instead of paying someone else for theirs? 

Maybe because my post wasnt an attempt to exonerate Depp? Hes not the one whos been giving speeches and writing essays about domestic violence for nearly 4 years. She is. Those tapes obliterate the narrative SHE has been pushing since the start. That she was SOLE victim in their relationship. Her own words show her to

How I see it is those tapes heavily damage Ambers credibility. So why should I or anyone else still think she was telling the truth about him? At the very least, I think people need to go back and reassess everything she has said more critically. I dont expect them to though. I dont think Depp will come out smelling

She admits to hitting him. Mocks him for running away from physical abuse, and for saying that he is the victim of domestic violence. She also claimed that nobody will believe him, which was pretty true, until the tapes came out.

THIS. Came to say the same thing. But as some may have noticed, I don’t agree with how jez writes about anything anymore because they are nothing but petty little children now.

She basically recorded herself admitting to beating him, and also she complains that her main issue with him is that when she’s escalating things and getting into fights with him, he does the mature thing and removes himself from the situation.

Theyre up on YouTube. One was a therapy type of session and the other one was after she got the restraining order

So, Jez writes about this but not the audio tapes in which Amber admits to violent behavior (hitting him & throwing cookware), complains that Johnny “splits” during fights, blames him for perpetuating fights because he leaves the room but not the house, admits to having a volatile temper, says she cant promise to not

It would be nice if there was a whole conversation available for context. They are ugly texts but they aren’t threatening — they weren’t even to Amber. Pretty much everybody has either vented or said something unkind about another person before. I’ve seen several people on this site wish death upon others.