
The soup isle is pretty destroyed, but I figured out that nobody likes the turkey chili, which makes me happy because I found I really like it. Honestly tastes the same to me as hamburger, and I can add some spice if I want to. Plus it’s healthier. I just hate that it’s a bit more expensive, too. Especially if you go

I felt pretty reassured when I got take out from the local Golden Bowl and she said they were so swarmed with orders they gave up trying to deliver any of them at all. 

I usually get more than three items unless I’m there for something really specific, but I rarely EVER get enough to justify using a cart. I just like to go in shorter spurts, and never like spending a ton of money on groceries at a time. Plus, carrying a basket leaves me a bit more maneuverable. 

I believe a package of ramen says two portions, but at 371 calories for the whole thing (at least according to Google - I’m sure the flavor makes a slight difference), one block would be fine as a meal for most anyone, unless someone is super watching their sodium. I think it anticipates most people making ramen as a

Pretty basic, if often ignored, knowledge. I didn’t stress eat so much as I used to boredom eat, which really resulted in the same thing - having an unhealthy fixation on snacking, and getting to be obese. So yeah, as difficult as it may be, maybe try to find healthier solutions to deal with stress. Not exactly a

Me too. I feel a little angry at myself for not even bothering to try throughout virtually my entire 20's. I was really hoping it would just kind of happen without me having to actually put in the effort. Not so much because I was lazy, but more like, “this is supposed to be an organic process, right? If you’re trying

I’m just going to the stores like normal. Trying to go a bit less, but it feels like there’s always something else I could use. I’m running low on pasta now after having it built up for months. Sitting decently on rice and canned soup at least.

I got to interview him several years ago as part of an E3 ambassador program. The guy strikes me as super chill and a genuinely nice person. Seeing this kind of note from him doesn’t surprise me in the least. I’m glad other people get the same impression. 

All I have are bath and body lotions and they just aren’t cutting it :( I do have a tub of coco butter stuff at home that I really like, but I’m wanting something smaller than a tub at work. I’ll stash away a few of these suggestions for the next time I’m at the store. Thank you! 

All I have are bath and body lotions and they just aren’t cutting it :( I do have a tub of coco butter stuff at home

Calling it Destiny’s best experience is a little....er, subjective. Sure, if you like pvp it’s probably decent. Plenty of players aren’t hardcore into pvp, though.

My last serious attempt at flawless in D1, I was with a couple awesome randoms who decided to try and help me get there. I’m lame af at pvp, but I was

I’m happy because that means more sweaties in Trials, rather than Crucible (Randy’s will yet be mine!...) 

So...lick your fingers and then wash your hands, like pretty much everyone has ever said? Good God, people. How did any of you even survive to this point? 

I think that really describes the Takeout staff in general. When was the last time there was an editorial about Midwestern food that didn’t just turn it’s nose up at it? 

I’m from Iowa, and we have Des Moines, along with dozens and dozens of Native American-named cities and areas. Shockingly, Midwesterners can pronounce non-English words and phrases as well as anyone else, if we’re shown how to do it. Just like, er, everyone else.

Uh, I’ve never even heard of a relish tray, and I’ve lived my entire life in 3 Midwestern states. WE certainly aren’t calling a handful of pickles anything special. 

Never heard of them, and they don’t sound particularly appetizing. A veggie or meat and cheese tray, though, I can get behind. 

I mean...you still can? You actually have the option of showing off MORE achievements with the same emblem. People are just mad because some stats didn’t/couldn’t make the cut, and I guess those players have nothing else to be proud of? I dunno. 

While I think the outrage over this in beyond ridiculous, I do agree Bungie should have warned players. This strikes me as, “We knew this was going to happen, but didn’t say anything juuuust in case no one noticed...” Which would be stupidly naïve of Bungie, but I find it hard to believe this took them totally by

Sure, it sucks, but anyone actually leaving the game completely over this (and doing so remains to be seen, despite the threats) is laughable. The game isn’t a single accomplishment you happened to be proud of. It’s a wide array of accomplishments. Pick another one to be proud of, or better yet, many more. Work toward

God, I remember the game Cheat being my absolute jam. I wonder why...