
I read this site for food news and commentary, not for political jabs.  Dumb.

Steve Wilhite, inventor of GIF, says soft-g, it’s how it originally was pronounced, and the losers who insist on hard-g are just johnny-come-latelys to the interwebs.

The majority of people streaming really aren’t making much.

Well that just makes him more of an idiot for jeopardizing his source of income with his truly imbecilic behavior. EA did the right thing here, and the negative consequences to him were his own fault and were totally avoidable.

Which doesn’t make the penalty out of line, it just means he’s a moron for jeopardizing his income by being way out of line.

Again, by analogy if someone goes around threatening and harassing people at work, they deserve to get fired.

Right? This bit was so upsetting...

Look, we get it, you’re being dismissively disingenuous about an industry you regard with contempt and mocking hostility and you refuse to allow for any nuance in the conversation. You can stop now, we got the point with your second post and we surely don’t need a fourth.

I mean, half the stuff influencers/streamers/social media whatevers do, is the same stuff artists and musicians have to do to get their stuff out there. And I can say from personal experience, a lot of work does go into it, especially when most platforms and their algorithms actively push against natural growth and

Doesn’t seem too harsh to me. Taking away toys isn’t a particularly harsh punishment for a misbehaving child, so if an adult is going to actually make threats against people then this is the least I’d expect.

I can’t think of anything to say but ‘good.’ That's indefensible behavior. I understand that he feels enabled to do so by the support of his audience and like-minded people, but that's crossing a line, plain and simple. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm on EA's side here. 

Yeah, this is huge. A Gawker/Gizmodo/GO Media blog actually said there was a situation in life where you shouldn’t tip.  I’m gonna go check and see if Hell has frozen over.

Oh boy Salty telling someone not to tip. This is going to rock some people’s world views.

 Seriously. If you want to celebrate that you’ve removed artificial preservatives from your product, fine, there are a million other ways to go about doing that. Me associating your logo with a picture that makes me want to vomit is the complete opposite of Advertising 101.

This. It shouldn’t mold unless it’s in a humid environment. I once had a loosely wrapped half Subway sandwich dry out in my fridge. It looked completely normal, but was rock hard.

The whole “oh my god - this burger has lasted for ten years!” thing that bloggers love to repost. The burger has dried out so yeah, it’s going to last a long time. 

Haha I think you just wanted to argue with someone

Let me guess  You're a therapist 

To be completely fair, if they’ve only been together for a year and a half and already had that discussion previously, it doesn’t shock me that they maybe didn’t have it again during the time frame. Sure, things can change in a year and change, but that’s still at the upper limits of when I think it’s okay to assume

The kids conversation is one that my wife (then girlfriend) had in-depth way before we got as serious as we, obviously, are now. It’s incredibly important to be on the same page about that because it affects so many more things than just physical aspects of your relationship.

We make decisions based on the