
The Gen Z trying to disrupt the sandwich industry probably doesn’t have spelling or grammar at the top of their list of things they’re good at. I feel mine slipping away and I didn’t have internet access until I was 12. These kids are freaking doomed.


And the Oscar for most convincing portrayal of a petulant boy-man, who lashes out at women out of a serious case of personal entitlement, to hide his own pathetic insecurities, and because he doesn’t understand why a guy with such a sweet personality can’t get laid (damn those Chads!) ...goes to... Lenny Valentin!

All women are fake, and whores. Especially the ones who claim to like playing video games, those usurper harlots! Encroaching on our, us penis-havers’ sacred dorkdom-domain! It cannot be allowed that those untouchable females get to enjoy the things I like enjoying, even though it does not impact me! And don’t try tell

A “good” and “happy” gaming story that features goodwill? No, no, no, no this can’t be true.

The ‘Bou is even starting down this direction.

“Server doing their job? Well, SOMEone just got themselves 10% less on their tip.”

I think it’s pretty obvious that the salt wasn’t the issue, it was just evidence that the letter writer felt like they were being eavesdropped upon - which is the sillier idea to attack.

Dear Salty: My server was attentive and responsive to my needs and now I am mad about it.”

We got a cooler full of fruit. Which was okay, except pears are never great when in bulk. It was nice to have a less fattening snack than the normal cookies and sweets that vendors send in.

Not a bad plan there, 9 flights is a decent amount of steps.

I snack, but when I did work in an office.. I would put in the 1st floor kitchenette (under lock and key because they were mine.. (I worked on the 10th floor).. This way, sure, I can have them.. but it required work and some calorie burning to get it.. (and then you start to ask yourself.. is the candy bar worth it)..

I stopped snacking a long time ago because snacking was one of the main things that made me fat.  If I have snacks I will eat them...all.  Same goes with ice cream.  So, very few if any snacks and an ice cream bar every couple of weeks.  WAY healthier than a whole bag of chips or half gallon of ice cream in one

A couple notes:

Hopefully the quality of the game will allay this problem for you.

Counterpoint: the crust of a pizza is a great place to keep your hands sauce-free. You find no such purchase on square-cut pizzas.

Smaller pieces = more of them, plus you can cut bigger pizzas that way (eating a huge floppy slice from a 16" pie is a pain in the butt). Also, as the name implies, they are common as bar food or at parties where you might be just snacking/eating something solid while drinking but it’s not a meal. (That said, thin

The best bite on a triangular pizza slice is the first, the point. On a square cut pizza slice you get anywhere from two to four non-crust point bites, meaning that tavern cut is at minimum 200% better than triangle. Suck it, east coasters.

Plus Dominoes thin crust has come square cut for years.