Either way, who fucking cares?
Either way, who fucking cares?
What a real manly hero this guy is, being a controlling little crybaby. Maybe act like a grown man instead of a petulant little child, it’s disgusting how people act when they don’t get their way.
Nobody’s eating differently than they used to. This is the FDA’s polite way of saying, “With the original labels, we sorely underestimated how incapable and/or unwilling the average American is to do actual math, despite having an extremely powerful, accessible, and convenient mobile computer at their disposal.”
There’s modders out there right now, reading the dev’s statement, going ‘hold my beer.’
They made their decision and it was a bad decision.
Gamers still only recognize two genders:
He knows whole binders full of women.
Is your point directed at this author? Because I didn’t see any place in the article that demanded BSG do anything. In fact, the article seems to jive with your articulated method for consumers to enact change - the article states that BSG can’t/won’t/doesn’t want to add female characters; consumers can read the…
And articles like this help me make an informed decision about which developers I support.
Hey remember when ubisoft made this excuse about assassin's creed unity a few years ago and it was immediately proven to be bullshit?
I can never stress this enough. When you start a business with ANYONE, and especially with friends and loved ones, there needs to be a written agreement. The preferably notarized agreement includes things like how to split the business in the case one person wants out, who’s responsible for what, who’s investing what…
Louhart, obviously, describes himself as one of the nice guys.
Excuse me, but it’s called “waste management.”
Dear Salty,
I think most players would agree that one of the nice things about the vast majority of Destiny’s PvE is that “good” vs. “bad” rolls don’t really matter. Hell, as long as you’re not super concerned with ranked PvP, rolls don’t entirely matter there either.
I just picked it up after 20 months off, it’s a little overwhelming but slowly grinding back in. I still like the Manhanan (sp?) Scout Rifle that was basically the knock off SIVA Scout Rifle from D1. I haven’t gotten super attached to any of the other guns.
I drink it black because, hey, easy way to cut calories. But I don’t get the people who run around evangelizing for black coffee. Why does anyone give a shit what someone other than themselves consumes? Doctor it with cream and sugar if you want. Hell, put OJ and A1 in it for all I care. The black coffee cultists are…
My thought, too. What’s going on at this site? I really enjoy it when it’s running as normal, gets me through the workday. If The Takeout is going the same direction as Deadspin, I’m going to be truly sad.
I am sensitive to bitter tastes, too, which is why I don’t like most beer. Everything is so overhopped now that it tastes like a pine tree.
This calls to mind a comment I saw on this very site not too long ago, where someone said that if you don’t take your coffee black, you just don’t like coffee. Like the dogma the author describes here, that comment strikes me as incredibly inane, akin to saying “if you don’t eat whole cloves of garlic, you don’t like…