
So, personally... I do believe that it’s important to include that she was a transgender woman, as it completely changes the meaning of “first woman to compete” in every regard. She identified as being a woman, but she was no more the “first woman to compete” in LCS than any man that currently plays in LCS. If

I think you’re asking for some irresponsible speculation.

Very sad to see Remilia pass so young. The title is inaccurate however, and it is very patriarchal and sexist to give the title of “first woman” to a biological man.

I had a girlfriend die unexpectedly (age 38) of heart failure. She was dancing, having a good time, then slumped down. I thought she was joking around at first but it was quickly apparent that she was not responsive. Even me doing CPR, the police there is literally a few minutes and an ambulance not far behind there

Uh, people were fine with the mere notion of a multiplayer Fallout. If Bethesda had made something like Fallout 3 or New Vegas and added in an online co-op mode, that would’ve been great. Instead they tried to make an online survival game like Rust or Ark out of the Fallout genre.

While the inventory steal hack has been fixed, it caps off a bizarre month for the game.

You should fly to NY and join the ladies of Jalopnik for their next video on reading comments/email while drinking wine.  I suspect your messages are as bad as theirs. 

Wow, thank you, I really appreciate that candid feedback so very much. 

“Time for cooperation ahead, therefore try Hollow!”

So if the green skin and sprouts make it bitter, and refrigerating a potato makes it sweet, what happens if you refrigerate a sprouted potato? Does it just cancel itself out? Someone try this. SCIENCE DEMANDS IT.

Why anyone would put salad dressing on perfectly good fries is beyond me.

We have all shapes and sizes of fried potatoes. I imagine that the skinny sticks take less time to cook and that’s why they are ubiquitous at fast food places. Regular restaurants tend to have fatter fries.

Hate to break it to you, but nobody gets out alive!

Wait, people are actually freaked out by this? They really think their meats are somehow tainted with heavy metals or something? Damn, son.

I mean, you’re still gonna die. Happy Tuesday!

So bury it in your back yard?

So my mom died very unexpectedly this year, and I had to deal with the 30+ years of stuff in her house. This included two entire sets of good china, a set of Christmas china, and about a thousand little knick knacks. We kept everything that had a story (“Great so-and-so carried that tea set in her lap from New York to

But as we fickle, mobile millennials stand to collect these familial troves of porcelain, silver, and crystal, what the hell are we supposed to do with it all?

One contextual thought that is likely irrelevant to most people: what we call china is pottery. It’s one of the most permanent things human beings have ever created, and if cared for, will outlast you, your family, your nation, the civilization you live in. By thousands of years. You might want to think about that