
I’m so done with the unbridled negativity of the Destiny community lately. These changes sound good and I’m happy to hear about it. No one seems to have any patience for the development process.

So what you’re saying is that you’d like video games to be regulated in a manner similar to how alcohol is, where there are limits on how much you can buy, which stores can sell them, whether or not you can be using them in public, where they can have additional taxes placed on them, where there are age limits imposed

That’s my take away from this. The mom is trying to control the narrative because her son is guilty as hell.

No fuck that, companies should not have to deal with parenting your kids that’s job don’t make excuses for them because they didn’t have age verification. Maybe if the mom took an interest in what her little shit head was doing she would be getting sued. Far as I’m concerned I hope epic wins and wrecks this little

Here’s some free legal advice from a lawyer who handles these sort of things:

They dont even have an age date verification such as ANY alcohol site in the US. You must say you are of age and agree before continuing. EPIC could easily ask for that and they didnt even do that. The dumb fucked up and are trying to sue their way into some cash.

I’d like to know how she had no idea what her son was doing... Was she not being a parent?

In which case they simply sue her instead for her child’s actions.

Ahem, actually not. It’s legal to sue minors in most states if they enter into a contract, and Delaware does not set a cap on the damages that can be passed on to the parents. Mommy may be paying a big bill here.

Given bars have to physically see you in order to verify age and serve alcohol, I’d say you’re comparing apples and oranges.

Pretty sure the burden is on the company to verify the person’s age before entering into a contract

Looks like the kid shouldn’t have been cheating.

Arguments are moot. Not reading a contract doesn’t mean you are not to be upheld by them. It’s not the 14 year old they are suing it’s the lying 14 year old they are suing whom, when they agreed to the terms, stated they were legal age.

Y1D2 is light years ahead of the game D1 was. No more leveling up gear, better PvP matches, etc etc. If you truly stopped playing the game why click through and comment unless you want to be a martyr?

I mean, i see what youre saying but its cosmetic shit, that comes fairly quick just by playing. While it might be shitty of them, it shouldnt by any means be a dealbreaker... especially this community with the shit ton of articles ive seen on the first game since that release

It’s because of silly crap like this that anime culture is ridiculed by the majority.

I take it you're a rape apologist too. These photographers actively seek to get compromising images of women WITHOUT their consent. This should not be legal.

You're aware that photographers literally sit on the curb or lie down on the sidewalk to get those shots, right? It's not like it's actually visible to someone viewing the celebrity from straight-on.

Right, but that's not what she was comparing. She was comparing the way we will buy and sell images of an unwilling subject, sexualizing them without their consent, forcing them into a position of object/victim. It's definitely part of the same culture as the one that tells poor women that their only market value is

Anne Hathaway, regarding your amazing handling of an awful situation and a terrible question, and regarding the answer itself, may I just say...