
You’re right - that sets a very dangerous precedent.

Nixon’s skull would get killer ratings, since it’s always [liarliar] on fire.

I think you win with that one.

Newt Gingrich actually slipped up and let us know what the republican strategy is now when he said “facts don’t matter”.

Welcome to post-factual ‘Merica! Thanks to Newt for letting slip the republican strategy.

I think you misunderstand. We’re talking about general practicioners. GPs don’t have degrees in psychopharmacology.

He’s quite correct, though. A doctor is not a scientist. Now, you can be a doctor and a scientist, but a doctor is not automatically a scientist (not even remotely).

Yeah, but it’s frightening when your doctor tries to put you on a medication that you know you can’t take because of its effects on your system (and something that the doctor should have known about in the first place). I tend to see them as pushers for the pharmaceutical companies, now, where meds are concerned.

What about when you know more about drugs and medications than your doctor?

Ooh, that’s actually a good sign. I loved Plinkett’s reviews.

I’m even more excited to see Beyond, now that I know Urban gets more screen time.

I know people didn’t like Beyond, but I can’t wait to watch it just for more of his performance of Bones.

I just want to add to all the praise for Urban. That is all.

Wait, you’re a princess? That’s fucking awesome.

Oh, shit. I’ve been doing it wrong all these years!

If the first thing out of your mouth after sex is an actual, coherent word, you haven’t done it right.

There used to be a lot of argument in the pyschonaut community about it’s status as a psychedelic. Going from a purely scientific perspective, it is - there can be no argument. Psychedelic = “mind manifesting”. Emotions come from the mind. MDMA manifests emotions. QED or something.

I’m in the unfortunate position of learning the hard way, as a chronic pain sufferer. I don’t want to sound all conspiracy theorist on this, but there is some seriously shady shit going on in the past 5 years or so. I’ve done my research (as many people with chronic illness do) and drawn my conclusions. I’m not alone

No worries. It’s a very common error. It’s gets exacerbated by the common notion that “Ecstasy is heroin and speed.” And it doesn’t help that a lot of street ecstasy has some amount of amphetamines mixed in with the MDMA.