
“When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross”.

Nah, we make fun of them all over the world.

C’mon, let’s be fair to him. It’s very clear making her uncomfortable was not his goal.

Me: [kicks Pattiz square in the nuts]

What happened in Benghazi happened no less that 6 times under GW Bush. Where was all the outrage? Oh, right. IOKIYAR.

Let me explain. When Benghazi happened in 2012, the GOP thought it would hand Romney the election. When it didn’t, they stomped their feet and decided to hang it around Hillary’s neck in anticipation that she’d be the nominee this year.

And they’re bitchy so you’d constantly be hearing “moo” noises behind your back.

Lady: I’d like to order 27 cheeseburgers

Recently heard this from a trump voter, who tried to reassure me that trump presidency won’t literally flush America down the toilet.

They’re not doing this to elect Trump, they’re doing this to demoralize and discourage Democratic voters in order to guarantee a Republican Senate, much friendlier to the interests of the police/security state apparatus. The Republican majority in Congress is the silver tuna here.

You are so right. Young children should never drink\get high. You need them to drive the fucking car.

I promise to stand up to assault. But I’ll be cold in my grave before I let anyone refer to me as a rapper/activist.

Last night I asked my husband if I could please just get and stay drunk until the 9th. He said no. Something about our 8 year old homeschooler not being old enough to take care of herself yet, or something. I think he’s just being a spoilsport.

Even when it’s over, it won’t be “over.” The next four years are going to be — fun.

Yeah but what’s the issue? If it’s just “enfranchising people bad,” then thats stupid bullshit not worth a second thought. “Yelling about nothing” would seem to fit right in with the theme.

Which is why it’s being reported that the DOJ is investigating HIM. The FBI has an unofficial policy that releasing sensitive info about candidates in the 60 days prior to an election is just NOT. DONE.

Ok, so it sounds like the guy whose recommendation it was that no charges be filed against Clinton for any wrongdoing has now turned around and intentionally given a vague statement with the express purpose of “punishing” her for the very things he said merit no action. Like, I was giving the benefit of the doubt when