
Good analogy. “In my day, memes were thought-provoking. What is this trashy noise stuff?”

Goddamnit. The hypnotoad / Sunn O))) video got removed.

These days, it’s not even oxy anymore. Not to get too deep into it, but Pfizer has been pushing three different drugs - cymbalta, lyrica, and savella (all of which suck) - on people with chronic pain. Something very fishy is going on because doctors won’t prescribe opiates anymore for chronic pain. And now this DEA

I generally agree with you, but this:

It’s a great story, though.

I was mildly interested until the CGI baby. No, thanks.

To be fair, Candice/Candace is an awesome name!

“Especially since everything is becoming more abstract and difficult to conclusively prove.”

It’s somewhere between Monty Python and Jodorowsky...


Nah, BSG.

Starred for the science-fiction curses, but I would have liked it better if you could have thrown a frak in there.

If we’re lucky? Circle pit.

“Today’s conservatives don’t fall into the original definition of what the term was made for, being conservative now just means being a judgmental asshole that speaks Christianese.”

Two things, and then I’ll shut up.

Fauxbertarians, I like to call them. The same people support the police in altercations with citizens all the time.

You say that like it hasn’t already been done...

“LSC”? Is this a new psychedelic? If so, must try!