His Royal Daintiness

I’m going to go local with the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago:

Terrifying and hilarious.

new plan America: how about every rape trial has a rape survivor on the jury?

“arguing that the jury foreman failed to disclose that he was a victim of rape as a teenager.”

Hodor. [/hodor]

Echoing the previous commenters, burlesque is very much “come as you are” - if you feel comfy in a smaller bod that’s cool, but you don’t need to be Dita to be a bad-ass performer.

You don’t need to change your body to participate! Do it now! :)
The burlesque community is inclusive of all sizes, colors, orientations and identies!

Aw, man. Nice lady. I met her. Several times. For a little while, she had a kiosk at our local mall, don’t even remember what she sold (jewelry?) It was right before and after the film came out, so late 80s or early 90s. She would just chat with everyone about anything. Of course, I was too young to really engage with

You do you, but don’t think you need to lose weight before learning burlesque. There are ladies of all sizes that do burlesque and the main point of the classes is confidence in what you got.

Aw, you should learn no matter what your size is. The group in my area prominently displays that they “celebrate the womanly form in every shape and size”. They always have little workshops and stuff and now you have inspired me to sign up for the next workshop.

Obsessing over her beautiful skin, her natural décolleté that looks like mine and that little bit of extra fluff hanging over the side of her bra, while she poses there with amazing confidence.

I also went through both the IVF (and associated processes) and the adoption process. The certainty I came away with is that both are challenging, heartbreaking, and amazing. I would agree that people have to find what works for them — no matter what your scenario, whether you’re choosing partners, deciding on number


I miss HBO Real Sex.

Just listen to the rhythm of your heart

There is definitely going to be a porno with this title. I’m not a furry but I’d watch the first five minutes, for science, you know.


Now that is both shiny AND chrome. Witness them!

A thyroid disorder should cause 10 maybe 20 lbs weight gain in a woman, but its 100% controllable. I know I sound like an awful person, but that is just horrifying. Hopefully she is getting the psych care she clearly needs.

From watching a few shows about extremely overweight people like her, they eat MASSIVE amounts of food. Like LOAVES of bread, packages of hot dogs etc.