
Who are the Lalelilelo?

I'll probably wait to see if the PS3 version has frame rate issues. If the frame rates are solid then I will definitely get that, if it doesn't I'll get the pc version, at least then when I eventually upgrade I won't have to rebuy it. Bethesda games do have this habit of either going down in value or coming out with a

I've only got a dual core 3 ghz and 2gb of ram with a GForce 9600 GT. I fold. Guess I'm going to be getting this on my ps3

This is exactly what goes on for IGN comments all the time, when ever a game scores too low or too, high someone always bitches. I'm glad that eurogamer, and giantbomb, and you guys finally called this for what it is.

Selling your system, unless you need the money is stupid. There will always be something that will come along that you will want to use your 360 for. Its not worth ditching it all, besides you won't get much for it. You're better off saving up for Uncharted 3 and other games, and waiting a few months, when there is a

"Regenerating plane also kinda makes it far less exciting. " Okay they just lost me. A person being blooded but still being able to keep going I could handle. An airplane being practically blown to hell, and then shaking it off. That's just kind of crap. The whole point of these games is holding your plane together

Late reply but, they were going to make Honor Harrington Movies?

This turned into 4 chan way too fast. Too funny.

Seriously that would make me fantastically happy

Okay, now that I've heard your argument. I agree. It needs a retooled sequel with either better combat, or no combat.

The first was a commercial failure. It needs a reboot.

"Note: None of the above applies to Wing Commander Arena. Fuck that game."

I actually see this coming. I'm curious as to why DC didn't just start an "Ultimates" line instead of sort of starting everything over.

Sure I understand this too. But that audience that saw that series will be the new readers for the teen titans. They should take that into account.

I think what the parent was saying in the previous article is that's its possible to be adult and mature, while not over sexualizing a female character that children have grown up with being entirely non sexual. In other words they should take advantage of this audience, and bring them into the fold, especially more

I agree. Yeah this was a terrible Photoshop job.

I'm going to cosign this.

With regard to Atlantis, and Eureka, we can at least say they went more than 2 seasons. As for Universe( I didn't watch it) but my understanding is that it didn't start getting good until they had already cancelled it, (see also, Dollhouse, Caprica)

I would also nominate dakota fanning's sister. Elle Fanning, for this as well

*co signs this bill*