
If Chloe Moretz isn't petra, someone is not doing their job

This echo's my sentiments exactly. One of my friends and I, thought this exact same thing when we discovered BSG.

Honestly it would have been damn awesome if they kept going after this, with a damaged to hell ship trying to just survive. But yep they couldn't go off the beaten path.

I heard this explained on Diane Rhem a few days ago. And one of the panelist said something to effect of cost effectiveness guidelines. Essentially what they stated was given the supply of the vaccine and the potential costs involved regarding getting children vaccinated for free, they determined that since the

Please have claire, leon, and ada be the main protagonist for this game. Thank You

SOOoo the government is their pimp then.

I want to keep an open mind too. However, well Fallout 3 was at least still a humorous rpg, it maintained the perk system. The studio added its own take. Deus Ex didn't suddenly become a third person action game( even though there are some third person aspects) and the studio added their own spin on things. When a

I was mad about X-Com. Can I be mad about this too?

As much as I would like Skyrim. Here is my appeal. Bethesda, do not release this game until you have handled all major bugs. Hire some QA and make sure this is the best game ever. Please miss the 11/11/11 date. This will give me $60 plus tax in extra dollars to buy family members and my girlfriend christmas gifts.

Okay sorry. But man seriously we must look damn idiotic to the rest of the world right now. If the bbc had commentary I'm sure they would be talking about how stupid the republicans and super religious folk in the middle of the country(and elsewhere) look with basically denouncing all these things that most of the

Come on Gizmodo. Fess Up! We the apple cult know you have the phone. You're just playing it cool and hoping that tim cook starts inviting you apple events again.

This is especially true if sony and microsoft lose money on each console made. Why go through that whole cost recovery cycle all over again, when game sales have not been stagnant. Nintendo on the other hand is the opposite, game sales have grown stagnant, and they make profit on each wii sold. So when wii's stop

"Because your own ending is far better than Giaus and 6 being angels, Hera being mitochondrial eve and Starbuck being a spirit."

I agree with this. Here is my edit on this shit though. You can go from the first four episodes of season 3, and skip to the season 3 finale. Start from the season 4 opener, jump to the episode where they find "earth" then the mutiny, and then all of the last episode before the disappointing ending.

Please be joke, Please be a joke. Otherwise. This is bullshit!

We don't all think that way. Just the people in middle state land, between Liberal Oasis California, and Liberal Oasis New York.

Please oh please oh please

I agree Kizzie. There are something that are more important than being rich in this world. Dignity being one of them. Mom has some issues, but I can sympathize it takes a lot has a black person to deal with constant digs and swipes. Most of us figure that not all non blacks are going to dig you, but those that do,

I would agree with you in some respects. They seem to have streamlined a few things. Knowing that most of the game systems will work properly is also a plus. People are nostalgic, they like the old, and wait for the new, and then want for the old again. I think with this game in particular, it was like a very unique

Oh man I've got one better than that. Full Skyranger.. takes on a bunch of ethereal..( no psi soldiers) ethereal mind controls, my best squad member ever( he's got like a ninety to accuracy and he's an x-com colonel, he wages a one man war against my entire squad. 2 survive..(including the guy who got taken over. Do