
Holy crap my girlfriend is going to break up with me!!

That's disappointing. Though I must admit I didn't think I would catch this movie anyway. This is what happens when you take almost a decade to make a sequel just because the last one made so much money, without actually having a story to tell. So I guess we'll have to approach part 3 as the new part 4, huh.

Wake me when the daily posts an article about pre-crime.

You're absolutely right, this is going to create way too much market confusion. Hell I even thought this movie had came out already myself. I think what the real story can be summed up here. ""We're going to do a conscientious 3D job because we've seen how it can better box office internationally.."

Who is this?

I was hoping there would be special forces variants to different races. Like Turian Blackwatch or Salarian STG. I know the humans are supposed to all be other N7's according to the lore. Maybe we'll see something like that or maybe some clarification in the future.

I found this out the hard way yesterday. I was considering doing grissom academy after the "event" that happens on the citadel. Then traynor says all the people on grissom are dead... :( You better believe I went and saved those ex cerebrus scientist right after she told me about that.

All of those games are fine. I think they probably omitted skyrim probably because of the learning curve, and style of play. Its fantastic,but if you're vetting games for someone who has some experience in gaming, they just bought a new gaming capable pc, and you want them to be able to jump in quickly, I think their

I got to where you were about two weeks after the game came out. Buy it, its kind of hard to hate this game. Hope you don't have a girlfriend, or a family to maintain.

*wakes up from drug coma* Hehe, well I guess he can write his own ticket pretty much so new studio perhaps, would be cool.

I should have made a bet, I had a feeling it was about time for him to think about doing something else. That being said, nintendo will most likely not be the same. Oh and Ubisoft should hire him like today.

Yeah, I'm adult enough to realize that with this industry you can't give release dates that far in advance, However, with movies you can give have like a 5 years release schedule. I think they actually do listen to the response, and realized that the wii didn't really have any jrpgs on the release schedule for

So Nintendo finally realized that since they have nothing really coming out in NA on schedule that they finally decided it made sense to release it.

That's true I should have made a seperate point for both the office a remake, and chuck a new series, that has a set identity, which is what I perceive NBC's main problem. Their new shows these last two seasons seem to not have an identity because they seem to want to be all things to all people.

Stranglehold was a max payne clone. Played the first two, excellent games with gun play. This looks like much more fully realized version of all three of those games.

Higher youth unemployment, compounded by unemployment of parents and relatives means less money to buy all the titles you've put down five dollars on. Not to mention, that video games are not so much a necessity in life.

I'll cosign this also. I think the tv audience will get behind a show now if it attempts something resembling originality. This is just sad. TV needs some new executives, and producers cultivating some new ideas.

This was pretty much my rant above. NBC just does not get it. Its got bryan fuller attached to it, I'd rather they just make a movie or something than a TV show, it just seems misguided, and my expectations are set incredibly low.

Okay NBC, we need to have a chat. When has bringin back old properties worked, When!? In recent years you and abc have tried this a few times. Remember Night Rider, Bionic Woman? I know I don't that's because you brought them back and made it completely irrelevant to the people who remember the originals, and failed

Did you ever play Tie Fighter?