
That's true in real life when you investigate anything its, minutes to hours of click click click.. stare... scroll...*groan* click click.... god damn it.... *20 minutes later* ahhh... there we go. I would accept a montage.

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Wow this post really gives me a good perspective on captain America, now I know why my brother absolutely adores captain America as a character. If that's true that he represents the best of american ideas from both sides of the spectrum maybe there is something we can learn from him. Good post, I heart you.

Fun fact: Richard Biggs' sister was my 7th grade english teacher. He actually came to our class one day, and I was the only person that knew who he was.

For some reason when you said this. I immediately pictured babylon 5 with a battlestar galactica sense of tonality. Basically humans with aliens in space, but dark and moody.

Hopefully working on thor didn't sour her interest in doing another superhero film, because that's what I was thinking the entire time I was watching that movie

They streamlined it. I totally don't think I'm going to like it. They could have made a really unique top down game if they tried but again they took the easy way out and have decided to cater to the shooter crowd. I'm getting the feeling it could have easily had been called something else, in the spirit of x-com.

I actually have to agree with you. I feel like a dinosaur now, wanting my in cockpit space combat shooters, and a turn based x-com. We really only can count on european developers and indie devs for this kind of stuff now. Its kind of sad.

Yeah the whole verifying the crime thing is poor. They need to just do the fines, it works well in many cities.

They are strangling their baby in the bathtub. Does fox want to go out and party or something?

Hmm, yeah even though she wasn't actively participating in it, she profited from it. They might find she ultimately had nothing to do with it, but I don't know when these things are that high level I sincerely have my doubts.



Seriously this was pretty senseless

That is not good news. The vibe from most of my coworkers is that we think its poised to be a mad men knock off without the depth, and these are pretty avid tv watchers the sort that will watch American Idol, and a few of the late night dramas. I say it goes a little more than half a season, with a huge drop off after

I'm wondering if a similar situation could happen here in the states. Just today I was listening to a report on npr about how it seems that we're going to have a potential lost generation because teens aren't able to find work. There are a lot of reasons people take to the streets, and cause violence and chaos. I

Felicia Day? Maybe. I'll roll with Bruce Campbell. :p

Holy Holy Holy. I want to kill robin now.... what have you guys done.

GAH why did you utter this phrase. Where is my ender's game battle school, digital downloadable game.

Thanks for explaining this to people, because these are exactly the sort of the things that good companies think about when bringing products to market. It hlps for those people who aren't really business inclined. I'm actually really curious of what your background is.