@MGSchick: lol. is it sad if this is the first wii game all year that I've been excited about.
@MGSchick: lol. is it sad if this is the first wii game all year that I've been excited about.
@MGSchick: A zombie who does nothing but think about sneaking missions while standing around at work all day, wanting to stalk the halls for russians or pmcs.
@MGSchick: Yeah.... All games from popular series should just be released during the summer.
@MGSchick: Yes yes we should all get help. :P
@Supa_S: I chose gaming over sleep too many times. If they weren't so much damn fun we wouldn't have to stay up for them
@Ryumeka: What did you expect the top ten to contain?
@eastx: Yeah this doesn't make any sense at all. I don't see why they could have this studio work on something that worked toward what ever market demo/ price point they wanted. It just doesn't make any sense to let a talented studio crumble.
@MGSchick: Whoa hey calm down there. Yeah I want to see her... i mean the show too.
@Candlejack: Voice acting can actually be fairly difficult. Some people can roll through it rather dryly. You've seen the effects of bad voice work in games such as the resident evil series. She voices the character on the Spider-Man Animated Series as well.She also acts (physically) on Battlestar Galactica and is…
@MSUSteve: * snickers* Yeah and Shia Le Bouf is starring. J/k
GTA.. the worlds punching bag.
@keyrat: True.. I want a an update castlevania with hd level sprites, not a 3d game.
@MGSchick: Me too, I'm glad they're keeping some consistency there, maybe they could have the guy who plays Spider-Man on the cartoon do his voice as well.
This needed to happen. There was a gold mine full of people who would never pick up guitar hero who will buy this game if it has the right tracks on it. I don't see where all the dj rb hip-hop rap hate is coming from. People like different things. Lets get over ourselves.
The character designs don't work as well in cg as they do in anime style.
Yeah this should be getting more eyeballs. I miss the days of Adventure gaming, they were all sort of like really well written interactive novels. I think games like Indigo Prophecy, Psychonauts, and to some extent the Bioware games are sort of all we have left from that era. Entries like Dreamfall: The Longest…
I wonder what dimps will do now that they're done with dragon ball z fighting games. Maybe they'll be the number one maker of anime license fighting games from now on.
@eastx: There would be stupid system wars.
Well done I haven't had a chance to play it yet., but all of my friends seem to really enjoy it. This was one of the better reviews on the game. Thanks Crecente