
Who ever did this is going to be so screwed. Hope you enjoyed your internet scooping. Videos were a pretty good watch.

Let the software that comes out of sony and microsofts first party devs set the bench mark.

Maybe that they should have made that wookie game.

@riffleraffle: I'm totally excite about that, but I work that day

Awesome I'm perfectly in the clear with my comp

The Walking Dead, for sure would be a pretty crazy story driven zombie game. I also would suggest maybe Hack/Slash.

Yeah, he did a nice job getting them to make combat in metal gear actually fun. Hopefully he gets a nice job working with another developer in the east helping them make games appeal to western audiences. That is an excellent niche that he fills

I absolutely love how kotaku does its review, you guys do a fantastic job of weighing the pros and cons of a game. It makes it easier for the consumer to decide for themselves

Is anyone else really starting to love that bionic commando theme. I can't get enough of it.

@NerD!!!: Thanks for giving them the idea... Cause I seriously will have fun doing that when the scout comes out. My wishlist for weapons is Wonder Bat... Air Jordans... and some sort of kamikaze bomb

Just like little kounji in Science Class. The guardian gives Too Human a " Please See Me"

The lady on the right totally looks like she is going punch miyamoto in the head. Or maybe that's just what my anger is telling me I want secretly

Best story this week

At 15 bucks I'm still buying this game

@CockroachMan: Yeah but everyone is used to EA being a punch bag. EA needs to learn its role.

There are only really two reasons people buy used games. They don't think the game is good enough or have the money to buy it at a certain price point. So they buy used. The ways to combat is either to bring the price point of games down to people at this demographic or find ways to bring down cost of development so

Dude we need a Bionic Commando Rearmed style remake for this game. I honestly think Rockstar could do an awesome fucking job on this if they had the license

Seriously, What could cause someone to kill someone they love? I get kind of tired of hearing of all these stories of someone killing their wife in the news. We need to start teaching people coping skills.

The Believe ad.. oh I that was one of my favorite ad campaigns last year. This was a pretty good parody especially since they had to make a few things to get it done ,that is always a plus.