Πες τα χρυσόστομε

Making our signs tonight. 8-year-old’s says “Keep Our People” because one of her friends from school confided in her that she was afraid her mom was going to be sent back to Mexico, and she is concerned because she heard El Salvador a lot on the news this week and we have family who are immigrants from there.

Imagination Library, yay! I work in a tribal community, where schools cannot hold bond overrides based on property taxes, since our schools are on lands owned by the federal government. Our schools *STAY* underfunded, with how that system is designed. Imagination Library is the only way that kids in my community get

Is anyone else old enough to remember Polly Darton from Sesame Street? I think I was indoctrinated to love Dolly Parton since early childhood.

I have a Dolly Parton license plate. I though y’all should know that.

Are there a lot of doctors out there treating trans patients and performing abortions who don’t want to, but are being forced?

So here for the Tooch. #tuccigang

For those that think Dylan is lying and Mia coached her, here is the entire original court transcript including all of the judges pronouncements. The only reason it didn’t go to trial is Dylan’s side decided they didn’t want to further her trauma...

my IUD is my fave possession that is inside my body and will not be removed for another 4-5 years :)

Without fail, I forget Edward. I mutter to myself “Charles, Ann, Andrew....and...shit....”

No, never. She will live forever (I hope).

FFS just get some whore pills.

Make sure you leave it on Vibrate.

yeah unless I can shove the phone up my vagina and it blocks sperm, big no.

Have you tried peeing on it?

These “victims” are the same ones who make a turn into a lake just following their GPS

Most women do not have perfectly predictable cycles that stay the same for all their years of fertility. So you are one of the lucky ones.

omg no ladies. no. the pill, an IUD, condoms = BC. I don’t care how good an app is, just, no. This is bullshit. No.

Ohhh, well if it worked for you then it must be true! :)

This. I mean, it’s basically a tech-ified version of the rhythm method, and we know how well that’s worked out for Catholics around the world.

I’m sorry, but you don’t use a method with 7% failure and then act all surprised when you get pregnant. If only 492 other women use the app it can cause 37 pregnancies and still be within advertised thresholds.