Menstrual cups are not for everyone and I’m pretty certain that every single person reading this site has heard of them before. “Save up for a month” foh with that smarmy shit. Go splain somewhere else.
Menstrual cups are not for everyone and I’m pretty certain that every single person reading this site has heard of them before. “Save up for a month” foh with that smarmy shit. Go splain somewhere else.
I’m not trying to attack, just want to put in my 0.02, but I’m a person who menstruates and I’m not a woman, so I’m very grateful that the author used gender neutral language. It’s very rare to see gender neutral descriptions of things like these, especially in popular media, and it feels very affirming to actually…
Being FTM, I don’t feel offense at Rose here for her rants at all. IDK, You might exclude my opinion because I’m not the exact MTF target, but I thought Id offer my feelings as a transgender person.
Weinstein hired private investigators, former Mossad spies, to try to get Rose on tape with statements he could use against her. . One investigator posed as a women’s issues activist and met with Rose several times..
This. My friend was in the audience (she works & that b&n and as able to snag a standing spot). She said the heckler was extremely rude and had been quipping the entire time rose was on stage. I don’t take Rose to be a TERF at all. I think she’s so tired and so frustrated and so hurt (all valid) and coild use both a…
I’ve been noticing lately a push to create division between feminists and maybe I’m paranoid, but the tone and all-around vibe remind me of the bot-misinformation-explosion before the US election in ‘16.
Andi Dier was trolling an obviously emotionally fragile woman. I’m not sure why Mortal Dictata and others feel the need to reward her behavior by treating her like it was some brave speaking truth to power moment. It’s just manipulative, messy, and sad.
I haven’t gone down the rabbit hole of all that Rose McGowan has said regarding trans people. However I have one big question. Why is Rose McGowan expected to do something for trans people? It’s an honest question. Did she ever say she would? Is she making fame or money off the backs of trans people? Why is the…
Hmm. There’s a lot about how McGowan is approaching this entire thing (Weinstein, her book, her show) that I would do differently. There’s a lot of anger there and a lot of overly-emotional stream of consciousness bilge. She tends to lash out in a super reactionary way to anyone she senses is attacking her, whether…
Hmm. I dunno that I think her reaction was transphobic. I think she was absolutely wrong on the stats she threw out in the second video, but she said again and again that trans women are women. The woman who was yelling at her was accusing her of doing nothing about violence against trans women and, in particular,…
Whenever an article about this pops up here, reading the comment section you’d think that the real victims were the two girls who attacked and repeatedly stabbed their little friend, leaving her for dead. It’s very strange. Thanks for posting the video - it’s a reminder that a real person, a child, lived through the…
She will have her mental illness for the rest of her life. Schizophrenics of this type rarely fare well in the long-term without a lot of supervision.
Also, the reason people can’t imagine their 12 year old plotting a vicious murder with a co-conspirator is because most 12 year olds (virtually all, really) don’t fucking do that.
No, they are all sociopaths, but this one was actually a psychopath.
I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.
1.) Is it bad that I was hoping that Dad was going to get some good licks in on Larry before anyone could intervene?
This, right here, is what makes me crazy about this whole argument (with which I agree).