Πες τα χρυσόστομε

My god... he didn’t force himself on her. That line seriously needs to be change. He didn’t rape her, and didn’t do anything like that. He was pushy, and sexually assertive/aggressive. That is not rape. She could have left. He is guilty of being horny and pushy about it too early. Instead of leaving she literally

Why didn’t she simply walk out? Why did she blow him? This is clearly a consensual sexual encounter she later regretted. “I didn’t really want to do it, but I did anyway” is not sexual misconduct.

Seal, please shut the fuck up. The reason why there are so many incriminating photos of celebrities palling around with Weinstein was because he was a virus who ingratiated himself with anyone who had influence. And I find it a tad sexist that only women are being criticized with their associations with known male

This isn’t a contest for me: I’ll be voting for Ben Cardin as I have before. He’s a great Senator with a strong liberal track record.

It also requires competency. In what reality do you think that Manning offers that?

We loaded the cat and a bunch of water bottles into the trunk and drove to campus to take shelter in the blockiest, most utilitarian and fallout-shelter-like concrete building there (the Ag building in case anyone’s wondering. It has tiny windows, reeks of mothballs, and is certainly nearly airtight). I checked

I live on Kauai. I was taking the garbage out. I thought what the ........is this real? We’re 100 miles from Honolulu. Would a blast wave hit here. My apartment walls are thin wood. Should i fill up bottles with tap water? I had one can of chilli in my pantry. There’s no basements anywhere. I texted my sister on the

Yep, I’m on Maui right now. My android phone sent the warning 5 minutes before my moms iphone. I figured it’s a nice place to die. Then I thought what’s the greater danger, the flash, fallout, or a tsunami generated from a blast? Fun times.

Tandem parking = you get two parking spaces, but the first car gets blocked in my the second. Better than only one parking space, but not as good as two non-tandem parking spaces. The author is trying to be cute like these are silly made up phrases, but this is a real and matter of fact description of a parking set

It’s come to this: a dirtbag in which the nicest guy is Tom Cruise.

It’s almost as though predatory men understand social power and deliberately prey on people with less power while presenting a polite public face to those with enough social capital to present a problematic target for their predations as a cover. Almost.

“I think I speak for many of my former colleagues when I say this was not the Matt we knew.”

I second the motion that toner is garbage.

If you paint some bleach onto the grout with a Q-tip it will take care of that grout mildew.

I think people tend to forget that we weren’t privy to all the details of every celebrity, every lawsuit, etc. back in the day. Early internet/pre-TMZ days was a whole different world versus today.

pronounced “Timothy” not “Teem-oh-tay

Nobody ever thought Sean was straight. I mean what??

but I will admit that if one of my friends said this to me...

“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends.”

“I’m wearing this ring that Jack gave me and I’ll always wear it, because love is a really cool, powerful, eternal thing and it doesn’t have to be defined the way we in Western culture define it as beginnings and ends.”