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Exquisite rugs. If it was up to me I’d paint all that paneling white.

My parents lived near that building 50 years ago and my mom was OBSESSED with trying to spot her. Then one day, my mom was pushing my brother in a baby carriage and Greta Garbo was walking towards them. As she passed my mom, she said, “you’re baby is beautiful”.

It’s not like the Democrats are without sin.

Jeez. Imagine living in that perpetual state of anxious fear that something might happen to you. Those poor, poor men.

The mere fact that these men seem to think flirting at work is acceptable demonstrates how little they understand harassment. When the question is “perhaps I flirted in an inappropriate way?!” the answer is yes, because flirting is in itself inappropriate.

I dunno how that is NOT harassment. Have we crossed the sexual rubicon to the point that asking a woman to watch you jerk off is acceptable behavior? Take it out of the colleague realm for a moment, Cabbie asks. Passenger says no thank you. Everybody cool with that? How about a waiter? “My name is Eliot and I’ll be

You really don’t see the problem with asking a colleague in a professional situation if they’ll watch you masturbate? He has power over the careers/opportunities these women are exposed to. Do you do that at work? Walk into the lunch room and ask the first woman you see if she’ll look at your dick?

Crazy how much people overthink how complicated this all is. It’s really easy to understand!

Seriously? You’re not sure if you are “allowed” to flirt with women at the office party, so you cancel the party entirely? Why not have the party anyway, and just don’t flirt? You know, treat it like a work event where you can mingle and be social but still be professional and treat your colleagues respectfully? Save

Seriously. The answer isn’t to avoid being alone with women. The answer is to be able to be alone with a woman without acting like a creep.

I believe that the same article (or another similar one) spoke of (to me) a far more worrying development. Men following the “Mike Pence rule”: Never be alone with a woman; and do not attend gatherings with women where alcohol is served — either without one’s spouse (or at all).

This whole fucking disgusting mess is fucking me up right now. It’s triggering a spring of memories to bubble up from my childhood which I’ve completely repressed until now. A family friend and “respected community member” used to take me on tractor rides and fondle and continuously grope me. His eldest son did this

It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.

For some reason, the fact that they were recruiters/senior members is more dispiriting than anything else. A totally anonymous sex cult is one thing. A cult that has an A-list star like Tom Cruise, even if you don’t like him, is one thing. But a sex cult that claims it can lift you to success, and backs that claim up

The fact that FLOTUS’s official Twitter account has basic grammar mistakes which no one has bothered to correct is somehow the maggot infested cherry on this cruddy sundae

My genuine reaction every time I’m confronted with the fact Melania is FLOTUS:

Her reason doesn’t make it any better. It makes her look worse.

Sure, it was excitement that clouded her judgment, and not greed. Must have been why she felt comfortable saying this to Ronan Farrow:

I love that they’re pinning it on the neighbor being a liberal and disagreeing with Rand Paul’s views, when it could just as easily have been that Rand Paul is one of those assholes who blows leaves onto your lawn.

He’s 29 now, but yes, he is Doogie Howser. He graduated from Bard College at the age of 15 then started at Yale law school at 16. He’s member of the New York Bar. He had already done a stint at the State Department before he started a career in journalism. His resume is pretty insane.