Πες τα χρυσόστομε

Reminds me of one of my favorite memes— “look at this bitch eating those crackers like she owns the place”

I often don’t wear shows at my desk, and in the immediate area of it, like I will walk to the printer without them. But I put them on if I have to venture further than like 20 feet from my desk, and I definitely don’t go to bathroom barefoot at work. But i don’t think I would really care if someone didn’t wear their

The first one? I’ve occasionally kicked off my shoes in the office when they were killing my feet and it didn’t impact anyone but me. I stayed in my office, took one trip down the hall to the supply closet, but that’s about it. No big deal.

I don’t understand how in a small office, the boss could be unaware that someone who had worked there for 8 years didn’t wear shoes. As a new employee, you don’t have much political capital. Don’t waste what you have causing trouble with a long-term employee.

Problem solved.

Obviously you’re basic because you’re not gifting your family pendants snatched from the local artisan fair that contain mass produced beads and shitty stones.

This is some Marie Antoinette Petit Trianon shit

Oh, no. You called the most important people in my life BASIC! Oh, the insult! I rue the day I gave them jewelry they like and have sentimentality towards!

If they don’t give you a more expensive injury they aren’t worth the money.

Sterling silver monogrammed tampon case or GTFO.

Do the $1500 “building blocks” still hurt if you step on them when someone leaves them on the floor?

“I was scared of losing my friend” really speaks to the loneliness and isolation he must’ve felt as both a child star and victim of abuse.

I mean, holy shit, taking the fucking archives offline is brutal. There were incredibly valuable newsworthy things on that site, and now the only way people can access them is to go trawling through Archive.org and hope that the site captured the article at issue.

I used to bartend in New Jersey and had to take a course on verifying IDs and not overserving. Your childhood friend chose not to card her (probably because she looked hot and under 21). If your friend had been a bar patron that hooked up with her and then the police showed up, there could sympathy because he assumed

LOL your friend is an idiot and a predator and DEFINITELY should not be around or working with liquor or children again. Was that story supposed to make us feel sympathy for him? Because it just makes you look really gross for not seeing why he is a predator (and a REALLY bad bartender as well as REALLY stupid human

I don’t care if she has bathtubs filled with coke, Harvey still shouldn’t rape people.

You know why

They probably had Caberet licences as mentioned in the article

DO NOT EVER PUT TESTER MAKEUP ON YOUR FACE!!! Jesus, we need a sign for this now???

Aww. I like Shannon. I feel bad for her. I think she’s an overall good person who is not doing well and the worst people are on the show pushing her buttons while she’s going through a rough time mentally and emotionally. I really wish she would see what those people were doing and not play into their hand, yet there