Πες τα χρυσόστομε

Um, first of all, who were these fans demanding another movie? Second of all, if she said she wasn’t interested and they were still so insistent on doing this damn movie, why not just write her out of it? Shit, that’s what they were going to do w/ Star Wars if one of the original stars wasn’t down with it. Blaming


Meh, geography has never stopped them before - especially for RHOBH. I mean Eileen lives out in Malibu, Erika in Pasadena, and Kathryn lived all the way in SAN DIEGO.

Bottle blondes, fake boobs, tanning salons, and mediocre white dudes in Ed Hardy tees and elaborately embroidered A|X jean, as far as the eye can see.

As Tinsley absolutely should!! Lu was trying to pass it off like they are on Palm Beach. “The island” is much much much richer than West Palm, which is on the mainland.


I mean, the answer is clearly West Palm Beach...or is it West Palm? Or Palm Beach?

Tampa. It would be trashy af.

I’m so mired in my own cultural bubble that I hadn’t heard of Wendy Williams until I saw a Billy on the Street segment on YouTube in which he walked around asking gay people whether they knew who John Oliver is and whether they like him (with John Oliver standing like right next to him the whole time), and when people

Since she paid for it, why shouldn’t she show it off? *shrug*

Why would anyone want to stay with Wendy Williams until death-do-them-part?

She came on after Dirt Bag was published and this update COULDN’T WAIT!!!!!

Is Cooper wearing a man bun? Eeeeeew get it off. get it off!!!!!

The past few days have been the ultimate example of how electing Trump was exactly like making Your Racist, Possibly Alcoholic, Definitely Ne’er-Do-Well Uncle™ president. Said uncle cares enormously about sports, even though he hasn’t been in anything resembling decent shape since age 22 or so.

The living room is stunning, as I’m sure the rest of the house is. But I I were to shell out that much money, I’d want to be on the ocean, not the pond. I know that Georgica Pond is coveted real estate, but IMO it ain’t the Atlantic.

Yep. That’s about it.

Absolutely, lets all go through life with no music, poetry, comedy or films. I’m sure Beyonce’s vast wealth isn’t the result of being a consummate performer who’s works are enjoyed by millions. She practically forced your friend into the poorhouse, twisting her arm to buy stuff.

Living room setting one is for trash talking the people sitting in living room setting two.

Man... I know which neighborhood I’m going to for Halloween trick-or-treating.