Πες τα χρυσόστομε

It’s called SHADE.

He was making fun of her and it went over her head. He got a long super well with Michelle Obama, but only a horrible person wouldn’t get along with Michelle Obama.

There’s an old saying that goes “The person who wants the job least might be the best person for the job.”

Wow, that sure looks intentional.

She seems to be looking for love and acceptance in all the wrong places. If this is Travis Scott’s kid, she got pregnant by a guy she’d been dating for two months. She started getting plastic surgery at a young age after a guy told her that her thin lips made her unattractive. She dated her brother’s baby Momma’s

I have always been very meh dgaf about Dunham, but for some reason, her saying people were triggered makes me hate her.

John Kelly has got to be pounding down enough tums every time 45 goes out to one of his public masturbation rallies that he shits concrete.

I’m going hiking tomorrow morning, but I also still plan to go for a run on Sunday morning. Thanks for inquiring after my exercise routine. It’s nice to know you care.

Guaranteed he’s never been on a bike in his life.

Nobody cares why you in particular read Deadspin. Nobody cares why I read Deadspin either. Once you come to that realization you’ll understand much better how this all works.

Sounds like you need some sort of space. One where you can feel safe.

Buh-bye, snowflake.*

shit, when did football get taken off the list of sports? did it take chess, bowling, and poker with it?

Your citation is three years old.

“I just want to read about sports, not bullshit world affairs and political nonsense.”

I know exactly one ‘influencer’ and I hounded him remorselessly for info. There’s still a story to be told, according to him, regarding the ‘ballers’ who were holed up in an actual house in the middle of all that mayhem. That’s a movie I would see. I do miss the fyre. Sigh.

It’s probably my favorite news story this year and a great encapsulation of how 2017 has gone so far. I thought they were going to plan another one with better infrastructure for 2018?!!! And I bet idiots would still go!

I’m needing a good Fyre Festival story fix. It was so so (so so so) good for a while there, I was hooked. And now there hasn’t been any fun ridiculous wtfuckery in a while and I’m feeling sad.

For $50K+ dollars, you think that psychic would have told her to cover her tracks a little better.